forty-five: intimate

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forty-five: intimate

gif of couple

not proof-read!

A/N: there will be some sexual content it's not too detailed but it does indicate and have descriptions of sex. if you are uncomfortable than the sign: (//) will indicate when this scene will take place and that scene will go on until the end of this chapter.

Mother insisted that we both stayed at the family house, but Marco and I declined. He said that he had a holiday house in Greece, so we both decided to stay there during the duration of our trip.

"So where exactly is your holiday house?" I asked Marco as he dragged me to the wooded planks.

"You have to wait and see, treasure." He grinned as he stepped onto the yacht which was swaying back and fourth gently.

Marco reached out for my hand and helped me aboard the yacht. He wrapped his arms around my waist as the yacht started to move. He rested his head on the crook of my shoulder.

I smiled and stared out onto the open sea.

"I was terrified when I spoke to your father." He laughed.

I laughed along with him. "Who wouldn't be? My father is very intimidating." I don't think I have ever seen my father smile. I believe my mother has only seen his kind and caring side.

I remember when Lorenzo told me on what my father was like when he was younger. Serious. Mature as a boy, but when he met my mother he started to become loving.

"Your mother doesn't seem to think so." He chuckled.

"She has been married to my father for years. She can deal with my father." I stated. She had no fear of my father. She loved him very much and I'm sure my father does too.

After half-an-hour the yacht stopped moving and we had arrived to a small island with only a large house.

"Marco, do you own this island?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Yes."

"It's gorgeous." I commented as I admired the island.


"This is where we will be staying." Marco states as he placed our things on the large bed. I felt my heart pounding furiously.

I don't know why I am so nervous. We have shared a bed before.

Maybe because you desire him.

"You know we should start wedding planning." Marco said to me.

As Marco said that, I stared at my wedding ring that he gave me. I don't think I would ever get tired of that.

"What's the rush?" I asked.

There was no rush what so ever. I wanted to have a perfect wedding, and that took time. Also I knew nothing about planning weddings. Sure, I had a vision on what my wedding would look but I was utterly useless when it come to putting those plans into action.

"I want to start calling you my wife." He said huskily. My breathing got caught in my throat as Marco moved towards me.

"I want to make you mine."

Another step forward.

"I want you to become a Donati."

Another step.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Another step.

"I want you to have my child."

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