twenty-three: hangover

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gif of dante

not proof-read!

The first thing I noticed in the morning is that my head is pounding horribly. It feels like someone is stabbing my head repeatedly and had no conscience to stop. Hangovers are certainly not my best friend.

The events of last night are sort of fuzzy. But I remember some things. Like a woman who seemed to quite friendly with Marco. What is her name again? Cassidy? Catherine? Something beganing with a 'C.'

Also I remember something cake?

Like I said before, my mind is pretty fuzzy.

I move the blanket away from me and saw that I am wearing a clean, white buttoned shirt that went below my thighs. My eyes widened in realisation.

What. The. Holy. Hell.

Did someone change me?

If they did why did it have to be a man's shirt?

I rush downstairs. I wince as I feel a sharp pain hit my head, I almost stagger backwards at the pain but my hand is gripped on the stair railings tightly.

In the living room I see Dante enjoying his TV time with a coffee in one hand and a remote in the other. He spots and snorts a laugh. "Wow, you look attractive."

I give him a puzzled look and turn my head to the right where a mirror is placed. My blonde hair is a complete mess, strands are sticking out all over the place and it's all in a tangled mess. My makeup from last night is smudged; my lipstick has spread to my cheek and my eyeshadow and eyeliner has covered my entire eyes.

I look like a mess.

"Thanks." I remark sarcastically.

He laughs at my reaction. "I heard what happened last night."

I scowl. "Well, I don't."

Note to self: Never drink again.

"It's your fault for drinking too much. Plus you missed out on the cake." He stated.

The thought of cake just gave me shivers. "I had enough cake to last a lifetime." I can never eat cake again...

"Mrs. Reid is preparing coffee right now. She makes the best coffee ever. Ask her to brew you some." He tells me as he happily drinks his coffee.

I walk out of the living room, deciding to get some coffee.

"Good morning, Miss Kokinos." Mrs. Reid smiles happily to me. She pours me coffee, giving it to me. "A perfect hangover cure."

I smile back, blowing the coffee to cool it down. "Marco went to work?"

If he skipped, I am going to slap the man.

"Yes. Dante and I managed to convinced him to return to work." She answers.

Thank God for that. "And where's Finn?" I ask worriedly. I haven't seen him since I left him.

Now that I think about it I feel pretty bad that I left him without saying a word.

"Um, well..." Mrs Reid's posture changes completely, her face morphs into an expression of nervousness.

I almost choke on my coffee. "He hasn't returned?!"


Where on earth could he be?! I am getting worried. He could have gotten lost! He could be in the street wondering aimlessly!

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