forty-six: closure

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forty-six: closure

gif of finn

not proof-read!

My eyes opened, wincing slightly as the morning light shined through the closed blinds. My eyes took some time to adjust and so did my body as it ached slightly. But, it was a good type of ache. I was surprised as I saw Marco sleeping peacefully besides me, completely naked.

Memories flooded from last night, I smiled as I remembered our first time love making together. It was simply perfect. His touch, his kisses, and his love.

In a sleepy-daze, I stepped out of the bed and grabbed a towel which was set out on a desk. I also grabbed a long sun dress out of my suitcase and my undergarments.

I walked to the bathroom, closing it as I entered.

I stare at myself in the mirror and my eyes widened as I saw what was in the reflection. My body was just covered in love bites from Marco and my hair was messy from our rigorous activities. 

After washing myself clean, I stepped out of the bathroom with my sundress on and my hair in a neat bun with a few stands brushing against my cheek.

As I stepped out, Marco was standing in front of me in his full naked glory. I jolted and covered my eyes.

"Put some pants on!" I exclaimed as I covered my eyes with my hands. I heard him chuckle deeply.

"You didn't say that last night." I could feel him smirking. I can't believe he is already making jokes about this!

"Marco!" I scolded, blushing bright red.

"Okay, okay. Fine." He said with a chuckle. I heard some footsteps walking back and forward for a few seconds. "Done."

I moved my hand away from my eyes. Mentally thanking God that Marco wasn't acting like a huge tease today. But, boy I was wrong.

Completely and utterly wrong.

"Marco!" I shouted as I saw that he lied and hadn't put any pants on at all! I covered my eyes once again.

I heard him burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, treasure. I just couldn't help it."

After a few seconds of silence, I heard his voice once again. "Now, I am done."

I swear if he is lying...

I uncovered my eyes and saw that he actually did  put on his boxers. "Thank you." I muttered sarcastically.


We got back to the mainlands to get some breakfast. Marco told me that he had an old friend that wanted to see him and for the first time, I actually saw him nervous.

I took ahold of Marco's hand as we sat waiting for his friend. "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"There is something you should know..." He trailed off.

I nodded, gesturing him to carry on.

"This friend of mine," He continued with a gulp. "I have told you about him before."

I stared at him, puzzled. I don't remember Marco about telling me about one of his friends before. In fact, he never talked about his friends.

"Sorry! I'm late, aren't I?" A man says as he took a seat opposite from us.

"It's fine." Marco said, squeezing my hand.

I raised my brows in suspicion, Marco hated lateness. He will not hesitate to bite someone's head off even if they are a minute late.

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