forty-three: greece

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forty-three: greece

gif of greece

not proof-read!

We both board on Marco's private plane. Ever since than I had been bugging Marco and repeatedly asking him the question 'Where are we going?'

"It's a surprise." He first said.

Then it went to...

"London." He answered. 

I perked up. "Really?"


It carried on from there.




It kept on carrying on.

"Bora Bora."



You get the picture. I gave up realising that Marco wouldn't tell me. He was stubborn as a mule and refused to tell me where we were going. So I just gave up in the end because he was obviously that refusing to tell me where we would be going on our vacation. 

He wouldn't even tell me how long the flight was.

For the rest of the flight I stared straight at the plane window. Marco seemed busy with something and I didn't want to disturb him. I just stared at the clouds passing by us occasionally as I read my book on my phone. 

Clouds were each such strange things. They are beautiful yet we didn't know why.

It wasn't until a few moments after I felt something heavy against my shoulder. I turned to see Marco's head resting on my shoulder. He has completely dozed off.

I couldn't help but to admire him, when he was asleep he looked like a child. I moved the armrest on the plane and dragged Marco's onto my lap, so he felt more comfortable.

"Such a child." I mumbled underneath my breathe in amusement.

He stirred slightly, but not waking up.

"We will be arriving to our destination in half-an-hour."

I couldn't help but to smile slightly. Marco was smarter than I thought, he even told the pilot not to say anything.

Marco really wanted this to be a surprise.


"Marco." I said softly as I shook him awake. "We have arrived."

Marco groaned as he stirred on my lap. "No..."

I chuckled softly. "Yes. Come on, get up." Marco wouldn't get up from my lap. Not even one inch. He seriously wasn't planning on getting up was he?

"Have we finally arrived to Greece?"

My eyes widened. Greece? He brought me back home? But why though?

"So..." I smirked slyly. Note to self: Marco is clueless when he is sleepy. "We were going to Greece?"

Marco's eyes suddenly snapped open as his head rose off my lap. "Oh fuck." He cursed out loud. I laughed.

"I'll give you a ten for effort." I smiled slightly.

Marco groaned. "I am such an idiot." He muttered underneath his breath.

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