two: engaged

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two: engaged

Not proof-read!

I knew my father too well to know that he never invited me back home just to have "family time." He was never like that, he puts the well-being of his job first. I used to think it was just an act to seem superior at his job, but I guess reality did hit me hard when he never came to my high-school graduation. At that very moment, I realised that my father never cared how well I did in life because as long as I didn't ruin the Kokinos name; it didn't matter what I do.

"Oh, honey! I missed you so much!" My mother, Ava Kokinos, exclaimed excitedly. She ran towards me in her 5 inch high heels, which wasn't exactly a great idea. My mother pulled me into a hug, clutching me as tight as she could. Despite being hugged to death, I smiled none the less. I really have missed her.

I returned the hug happily. "I miss you too, mom." I whispered.

A throaty cough pulled us apart and I am greeted with the cold stare of Anders Kokinos AKA my father. "Hello, Ophelia." He nodded curtly. Not a hug or even a pat on the damn shoulder. Only a nod.

I returned the nod. "Father." I said back with the same serious tone.

My mother seemed to notice our cold greetings as she stood in between us. "Well, I'm sure you are exhausted from the long flight. Why don't your rest, darling?" Her bright smile almost made feel better. Almost.

Right on time, Frank entered the house along with my two suitcases. "I will put this in your room, Miss Ophelia." He stated with a warm smile as he made his way upstairs.

Deciding to help the old man, I stared at my father one last time before following Frank. However, my father's cold voice made me stop in my tracks.

"Before you rest, I have to discuss something important with you."

I gawked at him with a baffled expression. "Is something wrong, father?" I inquired with worry. Almost all our conversations are about the Kokinos Empire and how I am going to take over when he retired.

"We will discuss it in my office."


The last time I was in my father's office, I was lectured about my choice to be a model. My father stated that it wasn't my destiny to walk the runway like my mother did. My destiny was to be the CEO of Kokinos Empire and lead it to the right direction. My future was already set out for me and I wasn't even the one that set it out.

Nervousness coursed through my body. I was seated in a brown leather chair that was placed in front of my father's desk, my hands were rested on my lap and I stared ahead at my father. "Is there a problem, father?" I questioned with a calm coolness even though I was panicking inside.

My father finally turned to face me and sat on his office chair. "You remember Lorenzo Donati, right?"

I nodded. How could I ever forgot about him? The powerful Italian business man who practically had the country in his grasp. I met him once at a dinner when I was sixteen along with his family. Lorenzo Donati and my father were close friends, they went to the same high-school together in London and to this very day, they were still close friends.

"Do you remember his eldest son? Marco?"

I mentally scowled at the name. Marco Donati. Italy's own verified playboy and the next CEO of Donati Business Empire. That man has slept with more women than the number of shoes I have tucked away in my closet. He was arrogant, rude and a complete man-whore.

"Yes, I remember him clearly. He was at the dinner we had with the Donati family when I was sixteen." I stated with my own bitter smile. Just the thought of that man repulsed me to no end, I met him once and I already hated his guts. "Is there a reason why we are discussing Marco Donati?" I inquired.

My father stayed silent for a few moments before opening his mouth again. "Myself and Lorenzo have arranged for you and Marco to be married next year." He announced.

My jaw unhinged as I blinked at my father in shock. It was like he just slapped in the face. Me and Marco Donati?! I had a sudden urge to scream out loud in horror.

This must be some sick and twisted joke. Me and Donati married? Ridiculous! He was a neanderthal that couldn't keep it between his legs! He has slept with almost every woman in Italy! He doesn't do relationships and so why does my father think he will do marriage?!

"I-I don't understand. W-why?" My words came out in a stuttered mess as I tried to process this new information. "Why Marco Donati of all people?"

"The Donati family are one of the most power families in Italy and their business is known world-wide. By having this marriage, it will tie our families together. Therefore, it will tie the Kokinos business and Donati business together. If this happens then we can benefit much from this and so could your future children." He explained cooly.

I held back a glare. "You didn't answer the question. Lorenzo Donati has another son, correct? So, why Marco Donati?"

My father sighs and peers down at his paper work, not bothering to make eye-contact with me. "I thought it would be easier to marry Marco as he is closer to your age and you two were good friends when you were teenagers."

I let out a bitter chuckle as I shook my head. "We met only once, father."

He ignored my semi-snide comment and carried on speaking. "You are scheduled to meet with Marco by the end of this week. Your mother wanted to spend more time with you before you left for Italy."

My mother knew about this?

I couldn't help noticing a bitter taste a betrayal in my mouth. From a young age, she always told me that she wanted to me to fall in love with free will and not having people decide who I love and marry. Her own parents planned an arranged marriage with man who was 12-years older than her when she was eighteen and when she fell in love with my father, my grandparents disgraced her. But that was before they found out that my father's family was successful and rich. They quickly welcomed her back with open arms...

My mother hated or rather still hates them for that. She never wanted that for me, and so hearing that my mother might have known about this stupid arranged marriage just hurted me.

She knows. She knows that I have no intention of getting married to a stranger because my heart belongs to someone else...

"Any more questions?" My father asked, disrupting me from my thoughts.

I got up hastily with a bitter smile itched on my lips. "No, father." I answered with a hint of sarcasm before I exited out of his office.


Sorry for the long wait! I was feeling ill for the past few days and I was busy with school. I know it's the typical excuse, but hey don't hate the truth xD

So a lot of you are confused. I AM REWRITING THE WHOLE ENTIRE BOOK CAUSE IT'S SHITTY WITH BAD GRAMMAR AND PLOT. I understand if you guys are upset with the chapters being taken and some of you are quite angry. But honestly, it was the best cause the book was shitty. It was so shitty that refused to look at the comments, which I like doing. In the end if you are still angry, then you don't have to read it cause lemme just throw something out there...


Any who, now that rant is over...

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and the next chapter will hopefully be out by next week (No promises!)

See you in the next chapter!

Have a lovely day or night!

Nat xxx

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