Chapter 1: On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL!

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New Domino City: a fast-paced center for turbo duels.The city was majorly different from what it was like in Yugi's time. Now the city is a high tech place where you can catch a duel anywhere!

Speaking of turbo duels, there's one happening in Domino Stadium right now!


The MC warmed up the crowd for the exciting match as people poured into the stadium: "Duelists young and old, professional and amateur alike, it's the moment you've been waiting for! So make some noise for the number one ranked turbo duelist in the world, Jack Atlas!"

A blond-haired, purple-eyed boy burst through the presenter tunnel in the duel stadium. His white, circular duel runner tore through the air and theatrical smoke as adoring fans cheers roared through the arena.

"As he looks to add to his undefeated streak today, one asks the question: can anyone take this man down?" the MC continued.

Jack let go of the runner on his right side, and pumped his fist in the air. "What say we kick this duel into overdrive!" he yelled with a proud little smirk on his face.


There was something farther beyond the stadium, though. It was called Satellite, an island several hundred yards from New Domino, and very different. Satellite was a ripped-apart relic of what it used to be when it was still connected to the main city. The people in Satellite were ridiculed and looked down upon for living there. Criminals roamed the streets and life was hard, but not for everyone.

In an abandoned and falling apart subway tunnel drove a different boy. Racing through a different kind of track than his old friend Jack, Yusei Fudo still knew the best way to live life in the fast lane.

I'm comin' for ya, Jack, Yusei thought. His red runner seemed to be working well as he sped through the tunnel. So far the new chip was performing all right.

And this time, I'm gonna settle the score!


Yusei's runner had failed the chip inspection. He slid to a stop, and got off to check the damage, he removes his helmet gazing up the where the light shone as if he's thinking of someone who very close to him. He can't stop thinking about her. Her face was a blur but her appearance as remember long twenty-for inch twilight black hair wearing a purple dress. Yusei wonder how is she doing for the last 2 years. Ever since the break up of the Enforcers did she leave because he wanted to protect him he doesn't know. Well Yusei hope he will meet her again care for her and maybe, just maybe he'll confess his feelings to her.


Yusei push the runner towards their home.

He stopped when they heard Jack's duel interview on somebody's T.V.

"Mr. Atlas," the MC said, "Can we get a word? Ever since you burst onto the scene with your first duel runner, the competition hasn't been able to keep up. Is it the power in your ride that has catapulted you to the number one ranking in the world?"

Yusei realized it was the computer they shared with their friends. Three of them were watching Jack as Yusei his runner into its repair station. He pulled over on the other side of his laptop to set up by his runner.

On screen Jack rudely grabbed the MC's mike. "Let's get this straight," Jack stated. "It's not the power of the runner, it's the rider! I'll take on anyone on any ride and I'll still be victorious! Anymore questions?" Jack asks. "One more, do you have anything to say to those out there who dream of one day challenging you?"

Acceleration (Yusei Fudo x Clarice Ng)Where stories live. Discover now