Chapter 3: Pipe Dreams

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"You've only got one shot at this, Yusei. The maintenance hatch only opens at midnight, and only stays open for three minutes after that," Nervin drilled.

"He knows...." Rally said.

"Then they flood that pipeline with garbage."

"He knows!"

"And as soon as you jump over the sewage plant's fence the security will be-"

"HE KNOWS! Try being positive for once, Nervin."Rally yelled a final time. He was sick of Nervin telling Yusei what he already knew. The guy knew there were so many things that could go wrong with his plan, but those were risks he was willing to take. Clarice's safe return was more important than anything else.

"I thought I was..." He shrugged sheepishly.

Yusei's eyes fixed on the time displayed on his Duel Runner. It was an hour to midnight and he knew that now was the time he had to leave for New Domino city. Now he was beginning to feel anxious himself. If Trudge caught him, he knew he would never see the light of day again and if the pipeline shut while he was still inside, it could all be over for him. He rapidly shook his head of all the negative thoughts. Yusei wasn't going to give up on Clarice, not now, not ever.

"Hey Yusei," Blitz called.


"Can you really do this?"

"A test run is one thing, but...uh...the real thing is something else." Nervin sounded worried. "If they catch you it-"

"Don't listen to these guys, Yusei, just...uh...I don't know, hit the gas and don't ever look back," Tank suggested with an encouraging smile.

"Almost forgot!" Rally exclaimed and jumped into the tunnel where Yusei is sat upon his runner ready to go. "Here, for good luck." Rally handed Yusei a card.

"What is it, Rally?" A yellow machine monster with a traffic light on its puffy yellow hat and turbo rockets for arms with a bronze top for a bottom was displayed on the card.

"Turbo Booster."

"Wasn't this your father's card?"

Rally bobbed his head. "I want you to take it. Like my dad always said, 'you never know when you might need a boost.' I just hope it can help get back your Stardust Dragon from Jack. I just hope that it can help you bring Clarice back."

Yusei nodded added the card to his deck. He placed his helmet on his head and began to rev his engine a couple of times. Inside he found all the strength he needed, his support for his friends. He knew there wasn't a thing he couldn't do without them. He really was going to do this, he was going to New Domino city.

"You gonna be on the monitor?"

Rally nodded. "We'll go topside so that we can get a clear signal. Now rev it up!"

"And don't slow down for nothing!" Blitz instructed as Yusei zoomed out of the tunnel.


After on loud rev of his engine, he was off! Yusei sped through the streets of the Satellite making his way through the east sector. Turning off at Montague street, he began to head south onto Davis' drive and now he began to approach the Sewage plant.

"WARNING! WARNING! You are entering an unauthorized zone. Turn back immediately." the alarm for the sewage plant advised. Sirens started to blare. Yusei ignored the voice and kept going, nothing could make him turn back now.

Suddenly he felt as if the air had been knocked out of him. Something was ramming into his runner, something was trying to make him stop. He turned around to see none other than officer Trudge.

Acceleration (Yusei Fudo x Clarice Ng)Where stories live. Discover now