Chapter 35: Dark Signs- Part 4

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Yusei: 1800

Kallin: 4000

"It looks like your precious duel runner is about to give up on you, Yusei!" Kallin noticed with manic glee.

Yusei's front wheel wobbled dangerously. It wasn't going to hold out for much longer. "It's fine Kallin! It's just a little wobbly is all."

"Then I guess it's a perfect fit for your game!"

"It's my turn!" Yusei declared, drawing his card. 'I've only got one way to throw him off his strategy. It's a long shot but I gotta try something!'

"All right, Kallen, since you've got monsters on your field, and my field is empty, I'm able to special summon this next card as a level four monster! I summon Level Warrior!"

(Level Warrior: Atk: 300 Def: 600)

"Next I'll bring out Hyper Synchron to the field in attack mode!"

"I'm shaking!" Kallen mocked.

"And now I'll use the power of my Hyper Synchron to tune with my Level Warrior so I can summon out your destruction! Stardust Dragon, let's rev it up!"

"Busting out your decks top performer! I was worried you weren't taking me seriously. I guess in a way, I should be faltered!"

"Well, this next move will really make you feel special," Yusei half-joked as he continued his move. "See, when Hyper Synchron is used to summon a synchro monster, the summoned monster then gets a power boost."

"Alright!" Asben cheered.

"I don't like this." Clarice decided darkly.

Niro looked at her like she was crazy. "Why? Your Skunk-crab boyfriend's winning."

"He's NOT my boyfriend, and it just seems too easy to play that to soon."

Kyouwa nodded, folding his arms. "Clarice is right."

Both Asben and Niro gave him a strange look.

"About this seems too easy part."

"Stardust Dragon, attack with Cosmic Flare!"

A ray of stardust erupted out of the dragon's mouth, heading straight for Kallin's beast.

"Attack all you want, because now my One Hundred Eyed Dragon gains the special ability of Infernity Guardian! And thanks to this power it can't be destroyed in battle!"

"That may be, but your lifepoints are still gonna take some damage!" Yusei told him, finally able to make a worthwhile move.

Yusei: 1800

Kallin: 3700

"It's good to see you finally hitting back! I know that's not all you've got Yusei! What's next huh?" Kallin brushed off Yusei's attack like it had been just a strong breeze.

"Since Stardust Dragon managed to successfully deal battle damage, the Shard of Hope trap card automatically activates! Which means I can now draw one card from my deck, and if that card is a trap card, then I can activate it by destroying Shard of Hope!"

Yusei put his hand on his deck. "It all comes down to this..."

A quick peek at the card... and...

"Nice! Here goes everything! I'm destroying the card Shard of Hope so that I can activate the power of my Miracle Locus trap! This trap forces you to draw one card, and gives Stardust Dragon a thousand more attack points and the ability to attack for a second time this turn! So add a card to your hand, Kallen!"

Acceleration (Yusei Fudo x Clarice Ng)Where stories live. Discover now