Chapter 9: The Lockdown Duel: Part 1

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About an hour later, the same guards lead Yusei down another hallway. At the end, an enormous hexagonal-shaped obelisk interior came into view. Pathways crisscrossed from one end to the other, connecting sides of the numerous prisons together.

"Welcome to your new home. We call it, the Hive," the guard explained.

"This is where Chief Armstrong likes to house the worst of the worst. Come on, keep walking!" the other guard pushed Yusei.

Up above all the cells, Armstrong chuckled to himself. "This should be fun." He called down to Yusei. "Hope you have a pleasant stay! The Director General sends his regards!"

"Get in there!" Yusei was pushed unceremoniously into his new room. "Don't expect a mint on your pillow." The door closed.

"Aw man and I was just getting used to being on my own!" A purple-haired boy said. He sat on the edge of the lower bunk. A small rhombus shaped pendant hung around his neck. A blue jacket with a large green stripe and smaller yellow stripe, and dark gray pants with sneakers made up his appearance.

"Say uh, if it's not too much trouble, take the top bunk, would ya? I used to crash up there, but I kept rolling over in my sleep and falling off the edge. The name's Alex, and I'd really appreciate it if you-huh?" Alex temporarily stopped when Yusei climbed up the ladder and claimed the top bunk. "No arguments, nice. Yusei, right? My last roommate was named Skeltor or something, I don't know..." Alex continued to drone on as Yusei tuned him out.

'Was I really able to bring out the Crimson Dragon? Why was it the Flame-Wing Dragon-Phoenix inside Clarice so long? I mean, she scratch her arm and in her place was that huge dragon! She must be sleeping it off like she did two years ago. And that mark on my arm, could Yanagi be right? But why me, and why now?'

"Hey is it true what there saying about you?"  Alex continues to ramble to Yusei breaking his train of thoughts.

"What are they saying?" Yusei obviously not paying attention and continuing looking up to the ceiling.

"Lots!" Alex exclaimed. "That you stood up to Tanner in the duel and then you literally schooled him, that's awesome! I challenge him once after his buddy sort uh...well they lock me in a laundry room for two days. But yeah it was kinda funny-"

"I a have a headache Alex." Yusei interrupted him. "Can we save the chit-chat for later?"

Alex frown though Yusei didn't mean to a sound a little harsh a bit. "Sure, okay."

"Psst." Yusei heard someone coming from the bar cage was none other than Yanagi. "Hey Yusei."

"Huh?" Yusei sat up. "They brought you here?" long story short Yanagi brought out of Yusei's cell to meet up Tanner as he spotted him. "Your here too Tanner?"

 "How are you kid?" Tanner asked. "Glad to see you made it her in one piece."

"I hate to interrupt." Yanagi chided. "But does anyone know what where doing here? This is the long term maximum security zone. This must've been people  work here. I was at the top for the released list."

"Hey, you and me both grandpa." Tanner remind him.

"What's going on Yusei? You know what this is about?"

"What did they tell you when they brought you here Tanner?" Yusei asked.

"Uh, you know. Some nonsense about needing to restructure the system blah, blah, blah, I don't believe a thing they say."

"So what do you know about the guy who's in charge here?"

"Armstrong's a bully." Tanner answered putting his arm on his hip. "He does whatever he want's. He's a tyrant, and he lies when he's got a bone to pick he'll do anything to pick it. Why do you asked kid? Did you go and do something to get on that gordos bad side? Or are we here cause' of you?"

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