Chapter 29: A Web of Deceit - Part 2

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Yusei: 3700

Drone: 4000

Wheezing slightly, Carly made it up the parking garage. She looked at the scene before her with piqued interest.

"What's going on? It's some sort of underground duel... Wait, Yusei?! What is he doing here? Stay cool, Carly, and just start recording," she mumbled.

She pulled out her camera and clicked the button.

"Okay, this is field reporter Carly Carmine coming to you live from some, um, some kind of parking garage thing, I guess, but the big story here is; New Domino City's newest champ in an underground duel with, um, some guy in a-in a bathrobe with a glowing arm like Yusei's!"

"You're no match for the darkness Yusei, and I'll prove it to you by playing Dark Tuner Catastrophe's ability, which will send your monster to the shadows!"

The repulsive tuner monster appeared before Junk Warrior and fired a pink ball of fire that vaporized Yusei's monster instantly.

"Junk Warrior, No!"

"Like the fly caught in the web, there is no escape! Frozen Fitzgerald, attack!"

The icicle monster shot small torpedoes of ice straight at Yusei.

"Not so fast!" he quipped. His trap lifted, but stopped a quarter of the way there. "What?"

"My monster prevents you from using any trap or spell cards. You're trapped in the threads of darkness and as long as you believe in the power of the Crimson Dragon there is no hope..." the drone explained, smiling sinisterly.

The ice pieces collided with Yusei. He was knocked backwards into the purple flames and landed flat on his face. New bruises bloomed where he was injured.

Yusei: 1200

Drone: 4000

'If I wanna save the Satellite, I better figure a way to beat this guy and fast!'

"I'm not sure what we're seeing, but Yusei seems really hurt!" Carly narrated, watching through her camera lens. "Could it be that these dark monster's attacks are real?"

"You're no match for the forces of darkness! Soon, like all the light in the universe, you too shall fade!"

"Who are you?" YUsei struggle to get up. "Are you working for Goodwin?"

Drone smirked. "Him? Not quite."

" I draw!" Yusei began his next turn at a kneel. "And no matter who sent you here, I'm gonna beat you and get the answers I want!

"I play the trap card Descending Lost Star, so now I can re-summon a monster from my graveyard, and I'm bringing back my Junk Warrior!

"But I think I'll be trading I'll be trading him in to upgrade into something with a little more horsepower; like my Turret Warrior!

"Now Junk Warrior's attack points get added to his. Let's see your darkness stand up to twenty thousand watts of light! Turret Warrior, show him what I mean! Attack!"

The cannons blasted the drone's overgrown iceberg to smithereens.

Unfortunately, the shock-wave from the blast kicked up a strong gust of wind. A car was caught in the drift and headed straight for Carly! Luckily, the up-and-coming reporter was uninjured due to the first car smashing into a second at just the right angle to allow enough space for a skinny person.

 A car was caught in the drift and headed straight for Carly!  Luckily, the up-and-coming reporter was uninjured due to the first car  smashing into a second at just the right angle to allow enough space for  a skinny person

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Acceleration (Yusei Fudo x Clarice Ng)Where stories live. Discover now