Chapter 47: A Whale of a Ride - Part 1

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Luna/Leo: 400

Devack: 0000

"You did it, Luna!" Leo threw his arms around his sister and squeezed.

"No Leo, we did it," Luna was smiling just as much as her brother. "Now the spirits will be safe from De—"


She and Leo both gasped. A shadowy shell of Devack advanced towards the twins. Leo spread his arms wide in front of his sister, ready to protect her.

"Shit." Clarice dropped Yusei's hand suddenly and took off. A little too late, Yusei and Trudge realized what was going on.

"You think you've won? This isn't over! I won't fall alone. You're coming with me. " Devack rambled.

"You will not stop the shadows from devouring this world for I will...destroy you - I will drag you down into the Netherworld-"

"It's over!" Clarice shouted. She put herself between Devack and the twins. Her blue and purple irises glowed like star fire and blast her cosmic fire. Devack cries from the light and quickly began to dissolve like his Immortal, screaming as he disappeared.

"Everyone okay?" Yusei asked, as he and Trudge joined the others.

"Yep, just a little bruised," Luna replied.

"And yet you two won together as a family. You both earn as an official pro duelist." Clarice complimented at them.

Leo and Luna smiled at her. They'd faced the first Dark Signer of the evening, and won.

"Leo." Yusei said quietly, kneeling down to eye level with the smaller boy. "You were really great."

The boy's mouth opened wide and his eyes filled with tears. He rubbed them away with his forearm. "But I couldn't win...I'm useless without help."

"That isn't true." Yusei laid a hand on Leo's shoulder. "Look, not everyone is born a great duelist. I sure wasn't."

"But I never win unless I've got someone there to help!"

"There's nothing wrong with that, Leo. It's the reason we have tag-team duels. Lots of great solo duelists get their start with a team, until they're confident enough to break away and do their own thing. And besides, you're still young. You've got years to perfect your dueling strategy."

Leo sniffed a bit, but nodded anyway. "Okay..."


The duel spirits of Regulus and Ancient Fairy Dragon appeared before the duelists.

"Ancient Fairy Dragon! Regulus!"

"Where did those things come from? Is there a laser light show going on?" Trudge squinted at the spirits.

'No officer Trudge, we are not illusions. We are real.'

"Whoa! Did that thing just talk back to me?!" Trudge made a sound like a dying fish out of water and collapsed in a faint.

"Grown-ups are so weird." Leo sighed.

"Well this is how they are. They always rely on blind things that are real or not." Clarice deadpanned.

'Luna, I thought you should defeating the Dark Signer you have saved us all. The spirits captured by the Earthbound Immortal are free now, and they have returned home to the Spirit World.'

"And has everything stopped going in reverse?"

'Yes, all thanks to you.'

Luna shook her head. "Actually... it isn't all thanks to me. I couldn't have done it without my brother Leo, Clarice's help. Leo set up Devack so I could finish him off, and Yusei and Clarice stuck by Leo's side the whole time!"

Acceleration (Yusei Fudo x Clarice Ng)Where stories live. Discover now