Chapter 52: Destiny's Will - Part 1

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The second candle on Roman's candelabra flickered and then went out entirely. "Kalin's flame has been extinguished. How disappointing..."

Roman winced in pain. He pulled back the sleeve of his cloak, revealing the controlling threads of his spider mark stretching across his arm. "The darkness inside of me is growing, but I can't let it overcome me just yet. Not until I've done what I must do." Roman crossed the room and picked up an old photo of himself, his brother and...

"Professor Fudo. It seems the thistle doesn't fall far from the brush. Destiny has made your son a thorn in my side. No matter. I will defeat him just as I defeated you, and it will be all the sweeter when I have the Dragon-Phoenix of Light on the side of destiny."


Yusei didn't want to let go. Clarice felt so warm. She might not always understand, but she was there for him. Crying with him. Safe together.

He pulled away from Clarice slowly. "Thanks...I should-"

"Oh yeah, more duels," Clarice was almost losing her cold attitude. "Can't stick around once this is all over."

"Yeah," Yusei's laugh came out more of a sniffle. Rubbing at his eyes with the heel of his hand.

Clarice's hand came up between Yusei's hand and his cheek. Brushing away a few more tears leaking out with her thumb. Yusei melted into her touch, both their hands on his cheek. He turned his head to kiss Clarice's palm.

Her entire face was pink when Yusei opened his eyes. He froze. What had he just done?! And what now?!

"Hello?? Are you two done flirting with each other?! What's taking so long to get to the tower?!"

"Sorry!"  Clarice blurted, taking her hand back.

Yusei backed sheepishly towards the tower. "Right, sorry, f-f-forgot!"

Yusei nodded awkwardly and entered the Giant's tower. He placed Stardust in the card shaped slot, removed it, and ran out quickly to avoid being buried alive. The tower descended into the earth behind him.

"Yusei!" the twins called, waving. Crow, and Trudge stood smiling beside them.

Yusei pulled up and joined them a few seconds later.

"Nice job, man," Crow congratulated. "So um, is that your doing?" He pointed to a small white bubble in the distance.


"That light appeared as soon as you won the duel."

The bubble popped, leaving at least two dozen people in its wake.

Trudge's squinted out at them. "Who are they? Where did they come from?"

"They're the people that were trapped in Kalin's Immortal," Kyouwa explained.

"Awesome!" Crow nodded approvingly.

"Any chance we could shove Yusei into an Immortal for fun?" Niro suggested with his trademark smile when Asben and Kyouwa hit him in the head as he yelp.

Yusei sighed. Niro definitely wasn't happy about him kissing Clarice's hand. "I'd really rather not."

"I wasn't asking you."

"Anyway," Yusei rolled his eyes. "We're not done yet. There are two more control towers."

"Two control towers...and how many Dark Signers?" Crow asked.

"Three." Kyouwa answered.

Trudge suddenly reached his hand up towards his neck, like he had an unexpected itch.

Acceleration (Yusei Fudo x Clarice Ng)Where stories live. Discover now