Chapter 20: Second Round Showdown: Part 2

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"We're goiong into round three, this nerve wrecking duel! And Griger's  now in the driver's seat!"

"It's my turn." Griger smirked. "Flying Fortress Skyfire, take out Yusei's Speed Warrior!"

The flying plane of power pummeled Speed Warrior with a barrage of bullets.

Yusei: 1900

Griger: 3400

"Yusei has taken a lashing! He's spinning out! He's gonna-wait no! He's managed to gain control, but that direct attack has forced Yusei to shift gears-and his game plan. As it looks like the twenty-one hundred damage he took cost him all the speed counters he gained so far!"


Yusei's friends in the stands openly winced.

"That's not good..." Leo winced.

"It'll be hard to catch up..." Yanagi said.


Niro pointed at the screen, clutching at his sides, and laughing. "He looks like a top!"

"Been a while since he spun out that badly..." Asben commented, the four boy with him along with Aki, Niro, and Kyouwa watching the show on TV in the abandon warehouse while Kyouwa the leader in red punk jacket was communicating through the laptop to Clarice who was also watching the semi-finals.

 Clarice clutched at the edge of her black shirt, nails digging into her fingertips.

"Don't tell me you've already lost hope in your boyfriend?" Niro teased wiggling his eyebrows mockingly.

"Say that to my face and I'll Bar-B-Q for a late morning launch." Clarice threatened through the laptop.

"Yes big mama!"


"Ha! You seem like a nice enough guy, Yusei, but you've gotta fall! 'Cause I've got too much riding on this duel to risk losing it!" Griger announced.

"And so do I!" Yusei countered. 'With Skyfire on the field, he can destroy the first card I play every' "From my hand I summon Shield Warrior in defense mode!"

"Too bad your warrior can't shield itself from my assault! Remember, when you play a card, that card is destroyed and Skyfire rains eight hundred points of damage from above!" Griger said. His monster released missiles that depleted Yusei's lifepoints again.

Yusei: 1100

Griger: 3400

"Yusei spins out again!"

"I place one card facedown and end my turn!"


"He's done," Leo declared sadly. "Griger's got it set upto where he can't even summon a monster without it getting obliterated right away! Man, Griger won't quit! He's just a hulking tower of ruthlessness!"

"You didn't notice that when you were dueling him?" Luna threw up her hands exasperatedly. 

"Leo was just too excited to be dueling in the tournament  to notice things like his opponent," Yanagi said.

Tanner spoke up. "I wouldn't put this duel in the books just yet. Yusei can win this."

"He can?"

"You betcha! Now, what do we know about this Flying Fortress Skyfire of Griger's?"

"Well, we know it's big, we know it's loud, we know it's powerful, and we know that once a turn it destroys a card Yusei plays the second he plays it!" Dexter outlined.

Acceleration (Yusei Fudo x Clarice Ng)Where stories live. Discover now