Chapter 28: A Web of Deceit - Part 1

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"Mr. Atlas is fine. We just need to get him to the clinic for some routine tests," one of the doctors was telling Yusei. "Oh, is there something wrong with the girl that we should check out?" He pointed at the still sleeping Clarice who still in the arms of Yusei.

"No, no, she's okay," Yusei said hurriedly. He adjusted to better support her head to lean on his shoulder. "She's just exhausted. She'll sleep it off."

"Suit yourself," the doc said with a shrug. "Oh, and congratulations kid." He and the rest of his team wheeled Jack out of the stadium.

Shouts from the crowd interrupted their argument. "Hey, Satellite, how'd ya do it?"

"We know you cheated!"

"You think you're one of us now? Well, you're not!"

"Get outta here!"

"Enjoy it while it lasts, ya loser!"

"Yusei!" Leo's voice shouted, much closer than the others.

Both the Oracle and the Satellite turned towards Leo, Tanner and Yanagi running straight for them.

"Hey guys!" Yusei greeted, thankful for kinder voices. "Everyone okay?"

"We're fine," Yanagi reported. "But you're about to face a brand new enemy"


"The media!"

The old man pointed to the fence keeping an enormous crowd of journalists at bay. Cameras flashed and reporters fired questions. Suddenly... STAMPEDE!

Yusei suddenly back away not having the moment to face them while still carrying Clarice.

"Better rev it up!" Tanner advised, pushing Yusei's runner. The rest of the gang followed his lead.

"Coming!" Yusei said and switch Clarice on his back and run away.


"Yusei and Clarestia are running away!" Lazar cried. "Is that okay? What even happened at the end of that duel? What was that strange light all about? Does it change anything? Is it okay that Jack lost?"

"Who won and who lost is not important," Goodwin said calmly. "What's important is that the stars have finally begun to align. Soon they will become one. That is the only thing that matters right now."

Goodwin smirk to himself. Everything had almost gone too well. Finally, Clarice had opened another door to the powers of the Crimson Dragon.


"Where are we?" Dex asked.

"This is an abandoned service tunnel," Tanner answered.

"Cool...Hey Tanner, howdja know this was down here?"

"A guy like me knows these things. That and Blister told me."

"I have no idea what happened to you in that light, but I'm just thrilled that you won the tournament!" Yanagi boasted.

"I knew you could do it Yusei!" Leo cheered. "Your the best duelist I ever seen! You're like my hero!"

"Forget the tournament. The whole thing was a setup on Goodwin's part, let's not forget the only reason Yusei agreed to duel was because  Goodwin captured his friends." Tanner said and the others hummed in an agreement. "Until we figure out what the whole story is. We should lay low at Blister's hideout. Leo and Luna you should probably come and stay with us too."

"Are you serious? Awesome! It'll be like sweet-boy-camp only even better!" Leo cheered.

Yusei smiled down at Leo.

Acceleration (Yusei Fudo x Clarice Ng)Where stories live. Discover now