Chapter 30: Fight or Flight

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Both Yusei, from a separate nearby room, and Jack, from the hospital, watched a piece of the beginning of the ridiculous movie. All of the guests at the party were watching as well.

"Enjoying the film?" Trudge asked sweetly. He had intruded on Yusei's boredom session.

He ignored the policeman's bait. "When can I see Goodwin?"

"Be patient; the Director is a busy man," Trudge replied condescendingly. "If you're bored, we can always pass the time with a duel. Whattaya say? Are you game, or are you afraid that you might lose your title before your first endorsement deal comes through?"

"Ha! Now that would be an interesting development," Lazar cut in, smiling as usual. "Though I seriously doubt our new champion would fall to a man of your caliber, Officer Trudge."

"Why you-"

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Lazar interrupted again. "The Director is ready to see you now." The clown man returned his attention to Trudge. "Mr. Goodwin would like to thank you for escorting the champion here. Now he'd like you to go to the hospital and fetch Jack."

"Whatever he needs, sir," Trudge replied and frowned angrily at both Yusei and Lazar in their passing.


"Yusei," Goodwin said instead of hello as he climbed out of his limo.

He met Lazar and the dark-haired Signer at the edge of what was supposed to be a bridge connecting Satellite and the city if it weren't unfinished.

"It's time you learned the whole truth."

"About what?"

Goodwin pointed theatrically at the Satellite across the ocean. "About where you come from, and where you're going..."

"How do you like the bridge, Yusei?" Goodwin asked pleasantly.

The director and the champion stood alone at the edge of the unfinished bridge that, if completed, would have stretched from New Domino City to the Satellite. The city's side was a lot cleaner and nicer than the rickety, rusting scaffolding-like half on the Satellite side.

"Why was it never finished?" Yusei scowled, crossing his arms. 'What is he stalling for? I didn't come here for a history lesson. I came for answers.'

"I'm glad you asked. If the construction of this bridge was ever completed it would have given the evil that lives deep beneath the Satellite access to my precious New Domino City. And the battle that is about to begin must never reach these shores."

"But what about the people in the Satellite?"

"They will become enveloped in eternal darkness unless someone can save them."

"So why aren't you using the power you possess to get them out of there?"

"I can't do that."

"That isn't an answer!" Yusei pressed exasperatedly.

"Yusei, as long as the people in the Satellite remain there, the darkness will stay as well."

"But why would you put the people of the Satellite at risk?"

Goodwin turned around and fully faced Yusei for the first time. "Yusei, the time has come for me to tell the truth."

"Oh, we're telling the truth now? No threats or bribes? That's gotta be a first for you."

Goodwin rolled his eyes. 'Teenagers.'

"What would you like to know, Yusei?"

"You said you'd you'd tell me the truth," Yusei said. He rolled up his sleeve. "Why don't we start with this?"

Acceleration (Yusei Fudo x Clarice Ng)Where stories live. Discover now