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[< system > triggered the basic skill 'Healing Lv.67(+10)'.] Blood stopped on the cadet's arm and the wound healed in an instant.

Now, look. This is my healing when I have reached the level level of advanced skill!

"Oh my God!"

"Oh my God, this Hill...!"

It was, as expected, an enthusiastic response. Johakim, in particular, was speechless with his mouth open. I smiled and greeted everyone.

"Hello. Healer. Who will come with me?"

"Me! Me!"

"Take me away!"

People lined up behind the cadets. Everything except Johakim ['The Builder of the Skyscraper of Trials' hates useless party formation.] The architect murmured, expressing his solitary disposition.

"What, what......."

Johakim, who had been held up and abandoned by the slumber, had a mesmerizing face.

"What a ridiculous situation, Ma, ... Boom!"

"Priest, so am I~."

Someone punched Johakim's shoulder and passed by. Quite deliberately.

No one went out of their way to support him as he had fallen uncontrollably.

"Uh, how can you do this to me...?"

So, do you usually be good to the people around you, or don't dig up my grave.

This is not worth the sympathy.

"I need to treat the injury. I'll take a look at it one by one."

"Huck! Does the priest heal these wounds?"

"The priest over there was a broken bone or he endured it because it was worth the sacred power..."

"The one who is also strong is different!"

"I look at the speed of healing. You're incomparably faster than anyone!"

Johakim scoops up and I lift up.

The members of the Tobal Crew used Johakim's youthful and soothing skills to heap praise on me.

"This ... You've been begging me for Hill so far......!"

Johakim's face turned red. It doesn't look like you're going to be good at controlling your anger.


"Oh, it's a long time and a hassle because I'm going to look at the injuries. I'll treat you all at once!"


I was bothered and triggered the Group Hill 'Healing Field'.......




The brilliant light emitted by the advanced skills, the sacred breeze that winds over my body as a demonstrator.

A full-flowing divine force overwhelmed the surroundings.

<Eyelet, you look like you're three. >

Yes, I was aiming for that.

Everyone's injuries were treated at the same time. Elasticity burst out here and there.


Johakim was calm. The color of his face was also a plain flesh color that seemed to be good at controlling his anger.

After a while.

"Child, sister!"

Johakim pushed the others and squatted at me.

Ailet x Terry [Part 1 Complete]Where stories live. Discover now