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A glowing blade of sword cut the demon vertically.

"Sister, are you okay."

"Thanks. Thank you."

"What. He's the first thing to protect, so of course he is."

It was a time when he was being protected like a healer. Ray interjected in with a cool stranger.

"You've been an Auror user too."

"Yes, brother."

"What? Brother?"

"It's not a big deal, so don't take it for granted."

"Yes. There's nothing important. Don't you take out your weapon to show your strength?"

"Oh, did you know that?"

As if he had waited, Ash threw out the old longsword and pulled out the double dagger he had mounted on his thigh.

"You and I should be the main force. I will preempt it."

Nevertheless, the duty of the knight is Tang. Ash and others agreed, saying a word.

"Yes, I'm not confident in the front."

"Thank you. Our Pure Gold Corps will follow suit."

"I'm a wizard, so I'll take on the rear support. First of all from the mantra."

While Seijin was buffing, Ash asked me.

"Excuse me, sister, but what about the healing range?"

"A radius of about 25 meters."

"Yes? Not diameter, but radius?"

"Ji, are you serious, Healer?"

Even though I said it in short, I was surprised. While I was silent, Ray ventilated the atmosphere.

"It's not a time to be surprised. I'll count the three and open the way. Everyone's ready."

"Yes, Cadet!"


I felt Ray pull up Aur. It seemed that he was going to storm and drive out the demons.

"Then one, two......!"

Auror against the Devil is less efficient. You can't let the power of the main power be wasted.

I chuckled quietly.

"Exorcism." [< system > advanced skill 'Exorcism Lv.28(+10)' is triggered.]" three......! How?!"



By the Kuma spell, the demons were torn to shreds, screaming in pain.

The whirlpool that had lost its power was destroyed in a single breath.

"Great, that's great!"

"Cadet Too!"

While the people were admiring, Ray flinched in bewilderment.

It's not difficult to stand dumb here.

"Cadet, depart."


It wasn't until I pushed my back that Ray woke up and slammed the ground. Followed by a group of pure gold apples.



It was a battle to beat the fear of an S-class boss.

"...... I have a question, but I'll come and ask, sister."

Ailet x Terry [Part 1 Complete]Where stories live. Discover now