the halo saga: part 2

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The queen

After heading out with your squad of grunt girls, you come into the mountains as you watch for possible traps.
These grunts could try anything at any time so you're always on guard.

Grunt C: not much far now

As you descend into the cavern you don't bother activating your lights since you won't need them.

Grunt 3: getting close now...

You go into the place and you see a massive hive of drones. A whole swarm as you ready your rifle.

Grunt C: no shoot! No shoot!
They take you to friend with info

Y/n: i could literally kill all of them right now

Grunt C: could...but info dies with them!

Drone: put down your weapons!

You smack the drone on its foot like appendage and it flies holding it.

Y/n: there, I put it down =_=

Drone: kill demon!

???: stop!!!

Drone: ? Yes queen...
Keep weapon...keep away

They start to grab you buy you grab their face throwing them off as you just jump up and land at the top.

Y/n: the main covenant operations outpost, where is it

Queen drone: demon need from me, I need from demon

The queen bug flies away as you follow her, going through tight caverns that you just smash through and when you finally emerge the guards ambush you as you throw them off easily.

Queen: stop!! No fighting the demon!

They stop and obey even as you punch through their skulls and kill them.
The others still don't attack you under the queens orders.

Queen: now...we're here...

Y/n: what are you after?

Queen: next cycle begins eggs are underutilized...

Y/n: great...

Y/n Mind: I can't torture them for the info because they have no sense of self preservation, even if I try beating it out of her she's even less likely to tell me...guess I'll make the best of it and do the deal...and if you don't honor the deal, I'll just squish all these bugs

You get on the bed with her as an orifice opens between her hind legs and she lays on the bed as her wings buzz.

Queen: fill me...demon...

You get on top and oblige her as small tendrils around her oriface help insert your dick inside and she screeches slightly as her wings buzz rapidly.

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