Chapter 62

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Oce's POV

"You don't have to do this. You know this" Lou grabbed stuff out of my bags as I placed them into the bag.

"Louis" I laughed, "Stop it"

"No!" he shouted, "You need to stay here"

"I'm just really stressed and I need space right now. I love Harry. You know this."

"Yes I know this but...just stay by his side. He loves you. It was before you two were together"

"How do you know?" I stopped packing and looked at him

He looked away from me as if he were hiding something.

"Lou" I walked around to stand in front of him

"That's my name, don't wear it out" he laughed, trying to smile innocently

"Louis how do you know she's lying?"

"I" he paused, "I don't know but I believe Harry. And you should too"

"It's not that I don't believe him...It's complicated Lou. Ok?"

"It's not that-" he stopped talking as we both heard the doorbell

"I'll be right back" I told him before leaving the room

I walked into the living room to see Edward sitting on his blanket playing with toys. He saw me and stood up.

"Hiiii" I grabbed him and kissed him, "Wanna see whose at the door with mommy?"

"Yeah!" he laughed

"Okay!" I kissed him and walked to the door

I opened the door and there stood a pretty woman holding a baby carrier. She stood there in a state of shock. I looked at her confused on why she was on my doorstep.

"Yes? May I help you?" I laughed at the uncomfortable silence between us

"Hi...I...I'm sorry I'm Arabella" she extended her hand to me

I shook her hand.

"Hi? I'm sorry. I don't know you." I told her still confused

"Oh he didn't tell you?"


My mind paused for a moment, quickly within a matter of seconds I realized who she was. And I was furious that she had the audacity to show up to my house.

"I'm sorry you have to find out like this but this is Elliot" she told me turning around the baby carrier, "Harry's second son"

I winced. I felt like I had, had the wind knocked out of my chest.

"Ex-excuse me?"

"I thought Harry would've told you-"

But before I could get a word in edge wise I felt Louis' hand on my shoulder and heard his voice in my ear.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Louis shouted, "Leave! Now!"

She stared at Louis.

"Again I'm sorry you had to find out like this"

"You come to my house, our home after going to the media with your story and then have the audacity to apologize for coming here with your child"

"It's Harr-"

"Let me see the paternity test"

She stood there.

"Exactly. Get the fuck off my property and stay the fuck away from Harry" I told her before closing the door.

Louis locked it and watched out of the window as security escorted her off the property.


"You knew who she was" I turned and faced him

"Oce I'm-"

"No you're sorry? You knew. You knew about the child and her. You and Harry both know-"

"It's not his kid. We're getting a paternity test"

"Of course you are. But that's not the point. You lied to me. You lied to me. Harry lied. He lied aboutthat. He lied about potentially having another child"

"Oce! Listen to me it might not be his"

"Listen to me!" I shouted back, "WHAT IF IT IS!"

It was silent in the room.

"And if it is...what does he expect me to do? Stay?" I asked Louis

He looked at me surprised at my words.

"Melanie couldn't stay. Why do you think I can?"

"Maybe Harry didn't tell you yet because he's afraid of losing you"

"Maybe he's right to be afraid" I told him looking away and walked into the next room with Edward in my arms.

I walked into the bedroom with my tears falling down my face. I locked the door behind me and held Edward close to me.

Why was it so hard to love him? Why was it so hard to be with him? I fell in love with Harry and it's did nothing but hurt me.

I felt tiny hands on my cheeks.

"No cwrying" Edward looked up at me with those big green eyes, "No"

I sniffled and giggled at him cuteness. He had no idea how much love hurt. I smiled and watched him play with my necklace.


I heard through the door. It was Harry. And if I was being honest he was the last person I wanted to see. But for some reason I found myself opening the bedroom door.

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