chapter 24

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I stood there staring at her.

“May I come in?”


She looked at me with those eyes.

“Come in” I moved aside slowly.

I felt as if I was experiencing an out of body experience. 

“Harry” I heard someone’s voice trail off.

The party quickly went quiet. I felt everyone’s eyes on me.

“What…the fu-” Niall started to say

Louis hit him in the stomach.

“Melanie, hi” Eleanor smiled and looked around

“Okay everyone we’re out of the lager but we have a bit of whiskey in the kitch-” Oce stopped talking as soon as she saw Melanie.

“What is she doing here?” Danielle asked bluntly

“Danielle” Liam mumbled

“Sorry…I…” Danielle stood there

“I need some air” Oceane gave the bottles of whiskey to Louis and walked out and to the back porch.

“For fucks sake” Louis gave the bottles to Zayn and followed her

“Stop, I’ll do it” I grabbed Louis’ arm and told him to stay while I went after her, “Oce”

She slammed the door shut and stood leaning over the balcony.


“Fuck off, Harry”

“Oce she just showed up at my doorstep! What was I suppose to do? Kick her out”

She turned around and looked me in the eye

“Don’t Harry! Just don’t right now ok?”

“Don’t I didn’t want any of this to happen. I didn’t know she’d show up, let alone expect to be invited inside”

“Oh you didn’t?” she took a step closer to me

“No I didn’t, okay!” I pleaded with her

“This was fucking stupid, this entire thing”


“The whole notion that we are meant to be something, the entire idea that this little happy family ideology would work. We were delusional”

“What? Don’t say that” I went to touch her hand

“Do not touch me, Harry. Okay!”

“What did you want me to do? She’s still my wife”

“And what am I? Your fucking mistress?”

I didn’t say anything. And I knew I would pay for the silence.

“Fuck you.” she said slowly, filled with anger, “Fuck you, Harry!”

She pushed me.


“Don’t, just fucking don’t. You know Melanie had it right all along. I should’ve had the ring before I had the baby”

“What…no it’s not like that Oce”

“Oh it is, I was a fool to think otherwise” she looked me in the eyes as tears fell from her eyes


She shook her head and moved out of my reach and returned back inside. I kicked a chair over, scolding myself for hurting her again. It was the last thing I wanted to do. I sat outside drinking a beer trying to clear my head. I heard the patio door open and close and then the floorboards creak. 


It was Melanie.

“Are you ok?”

“No” I answered shortly

“Everyone left” she whispered

“Ok” I sighed taking another swig

“Maybe you should come inside?”

“I’m not in the mood right now”


“Melanie just stop ok? I’m not in the mood right now”

“Why? Because your wife is back at home and your mistress is gone?”

“Melanie!” I stood up to my feet and shouted, “Do not call her that! You don’t know what the fuck she’s been through”

“I’m sorry” she looked at me

She walked toward me and grabbed my hand.

“I’ve missed you so much” she whispered before lightly pressed her lips against mine. 

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her back.


“Hmm?” I kissed her neck softly

“Make love to me” she pulled away pulling me back into the empty house. 

She bit her lip as we walked into our bedroom. I closed the door behind me, kicking my shoes and pants off as she unbuttoned her dress and allowed it to drop to the floor. I knew it was the alcohol that made me want her more than my heart had intended.

I woke up, slowly opening my eyes. I looked down at Melanie’s naked arm wrapped around my waist. I didn’t move. I laid there wondering what I had done. 

I had slept with my wife but why didn’t it feel right? Why did I feel like this was one of the biggest mistakes of my life? Pushing Oceane away…

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