chapter 19

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I wiped the last dish dry as I watched Harry feed Edward and then rock him asleep. He leaned against the sofa and looked over to me. I looked away from him, almost dropping the plate in the process.  It hit the counter, echoing a loud clash, waking Edward up. He went into a loud fit. His shrill cries rang through our ears. Harry held him and stood up.

This was it. 

A test if he could be what Edward needed. 

Harry walked back and forth “shh-ing” and coddling baby Edward. He kept screaming and crying. I walked over to him setting the plate on the counter before leaving the kitchen. He held his arm out, signaling for me to leave him be, and let him handle it. I stopped in my tracks completely stunned. I smiled. I couldn’t help it and it was the only smile I didn’t care if Harry noticed or not. That’s when he did something that made it grow even larger. 

He started to sing to him.

“A warning sign, I missed the good part, then I realized, I started looking and the bubble burst. I started looking for excuses, Come on in, I’ve gotta tell you what a state I’m in, I’ve gotta tell you in my loudest tones, that I started looking for a warning sign…when the truth is, I miss you. yeah the truth is, that I miss you so”


I bit my lip. Baby Edward’s eyes started to droop and he finally fell back into his slumber. Harry walked into his bedroom and laid down with him sleeping peacefully on his chest. I stood in the doorway as Harry rubbed Baby Edward’s back. I closed the door quietly, leaving it cracked and went into the kitchen. I heard my purse start to vibrate. I pulled it out of the pocket and looked at the screen. It was Louis.

“Hey” I smiled answering it

“Hey how’s it going?”

“Good, good. Harry was able to quiet baby Edward from his hissy fit. I had accidentally woken up him and Harry handled it”

“Did he really?”

“He did!” I smiled to myself as I replayed the event over in my head, “He sang to him”

“Sang to Edward? What did he sing?”


“I always knew that kid had great taste in music”

“Well maybe you’re right…he did throw up on you when the latest One Direction single came on the radio”

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!” he mumbled

“I’m kidding!” I laughed

“So you’re ready to let him in?”

“Let him in? What? I didn’t say that”

“No you didn’t but your tone of voice did”

I shook my head. I didn’t want to have this conversation. 

“I’m going to go, I think I might wake Edward up again, from you know…talking on the phone”

“Alright, call me when you two get home….if you make it homeeeee” he teased

“Goodbye Tomlinson” I hung up.

I walked back to his bedroom and peeked in. There he laid with Edward, fast asleep as well. I watched them both sleep. They looked so peaceful and not to mention, they looked like almost identical versions of each other. Harry started to stir and open his eyes, gently.

“I want to talk to you” I whispered

He nodded and slowly maneuvered Edward off of his chest and onto his bed. He placed pillows strategically around him to prevent him from crawling off in case he woke up. He adjusted his pants and shirt and walked over to me. He stood rather close to me causing me to take a step back, resulting with my back against the wall. We stood there for a moment. I looked up at him and into his brown eyes. His hand started to rise as he looked me in the eyes. I knew where he was going to put it. I quickly diverted the situation.

“Shall we?” I asked him before sliding away from him.

He stood so close, our bodies touched. It sent a shiver down my spine. My nerves sparked. I couldn’t be this close to this man. I knew that. I wasn’t sure why I let him get that close in the first place.

He walked behind me and we sat on the sofa. I placed a considerable amount of space between us in case it were to happen again. 

“What did you want to talk about?” he asked

“I…I’ve been thinking about what you asked Lou to ask me….”

“And?” he waited patiently for my answer

“I think it’s a good idea. I think you should be in his life. He needs you. You’re his father.” 

“Oce” he moved closer to me

“Harry” I moved back the same amount he moved forward.

He sighed and looked down at his lap before looking back at me.

“I want to be in his life and…” he paused

“And…?” I asked

Before he could finish his sentence his phone rang. 

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