chapter 34

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Day 1.

Oceane’s POV

“Okay 1, 2, 3 move move move” I heard someone shout.

“She’s conscious” a different yelled

“Okay miss” I saw a bright light in my eyes

My vision wouldn’t focus.

“Miss can you hear me?”

“Check her ears for perforated drums”

Perforated drums? What?

Then it hit me. I felt pain all over my body. I heard the rapid beating of a machine until the sound of my heart pounding in my chest drowned it out.

“She’s feeling pain.”

“Major trauma to the head, leg and abdomen”

“Damnit! She’s pregnant. We’re gonna have to take the baby out.”

“Prep the OR for an emergency C-section!” 

My baby. What? 

I didn’t feel my body anymore.

“We’re losing her!” someone shouted before everything including my mind went black.

Harry’s POV

“Where is she?” I shouted at the receptionist.

“Sir please calm down before security asks you to leave”

“What the fu-”

“Harry!” Eleanor grabbed me

“Excuse me ma’am my god-sister has been admitted into the hospital. She was in an accident-”

“Oh you must be referring to that couple that got hit by the drunk semi-truck”

What!” I yelled

“Haz!” Louis grabbed me pulling me away from the desk

Eleanor came back over with the information we needed to find her.

“We have to wait in the waiting room of the ICU. It’s on the seventh floor”

I nodded and followed them up into the elevator. Louis held Edward. I stared at him as he sleep in his arms. I leaned over and kissed him on his forehead. I couldn’t imagine losing him or his mother. And I wasn’t going to imagine it now. The elevator doors opened and we walked to the nurses’ station of the ICU.

“Hi is-”

“Is the O.R. prepped?” we heard someone down the hall

There she was. She was covered in blood. She had an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. I stood still, unable to move.

“Yes! Move her now! We need to get the child out safety. Get the paperwork signed by the fiancé”


Caleb? Where’s Caleb?

“Caleb!” Eleanor mumbled

“Where’s that fucker!” I shouted

I walked down the hallway and watched a doctor go into a room. I followed the doctor. He led me straight to him. I walked into the room.

“Sir” the doctorn addressed Caleb

“Where is my fiancee?”

“Sir, we need you to sign this paper making a choice?” the doctor continued speaking

“What choice?”

“We have to operate on your fiancee and in case of an emergency we need to know to whom’s life falls into priority”

“Excuse me?” Caleb and I said at the same time

The doctor looked at me and then back at Caleb.

“If anything goes wrong, and both of their lives are on the line due to the extensive and riskiness of the surgery and how premature the fetus is we need to know who to save in case of an emergency”

“Save my child”

“What?” I shouted

“This doesn’t have anything to do with you”

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Maybe you knocked a few marbles upstairs lose but what the fuck, you’re not letting Oce die!”

“This isn’t your choice to make” he struggled to get out of the bed

“I will have the nurse bring the papers in to sign for you”

“Thank you. Can you assist me to the restroom?” Caleb asked

The doctor held onto Caleb and helped him out of the room and down the hall.

What the fuck! He’s going to let Oce die?! Who the fuck….I can’t fucking believe this! I’m not losing her. I can’t lose her. I love her. I will kill Caleb myse-

“Excuse me, Mr. Caleb Branson?” I heard a voice from behind me

I turned around.

“Excuse me?”

“You are Mr. Branson, yes?” she reread the documents, I’m assumed she had brought for Caleb to sign.

“Uhm yes” I lied

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