chapter 40

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I stood there staring at him. I felt Harry hold me closer to him. 

“What?” Caleb repeated himself


“Are you fucking serious? She’s not mine. You’re telling me, you slept with this prick? WHILE you were with me

“Caleb” was all I could say.

“Caleb! Caleb! Caleb what! Stop saying my fucking name”

“Hey calm the fuck down.” Harry raised his voice at him

“Don’t tell me what the fuck to do. Fuck you” Caleb shouted moving too close for Harry’s liking

“Back the fuck up and calm the fuck down. I’ve been here longer than you and like I assured you, I’m not going anywhere”

“She’s my fucking daughter”

“Are you deaf-dumb?” Harry laughed in his face, “She’s not your kin. She’s ours.”

“We’ll see about that”

“What?” I looked at him confused on what that could mean.

“Don’t worry about anything, my shit will be out of your house before the end of tomorrow”

“Caleb…” I tried to talk to him

“What? You can’t remember anything? Oh how fucking convenient for you, Oce.” he shook his head and left.

I stood there. I couldn’t remember anything about him. I felt so betrayed. I felt so upset. I pulled away from Harry.

“What’s wrong?” He asked

“Oce?” I heard from down the hallway.

It was Louis.

“Can you help me back to my room? I don’t feel too good”

“Yeah, of course” he helped me and looked at Harry with disapproval in his eyes.

Harry shrugged it off. I assumed he was happy to have his ‘family’ back. But I hadn’t chosen Harry. How could I choose anyone? I didn’t remember anything. I wanted nothing more than my memories back.

It had been a few days since I had seen Caleb. Harry seen I had been struggling with the break up and arranged for our daughter to finally meet everyone. I waited patiently in my room with everyone else.

“Here’s your daughter, Ms. Auzenne” the nurse smiled at me and handed me the small bundle of joy. 

Everyone was standing around the bed as I held my daughter for the first time. She was small and so precious. Her little hand grabbed onto mine. I kissed it softly.

“I love you” I whispered to her

“What are you going to name her?” someone asked

“I think…” I smiled at her, pulling her little hat closer onto her head, “Ella”

“Like Edward” someone else spoke

“Yeah, Ella and Edward”

“I like it” I recognized Harry’s voice

“Ella Styles” Louis smiled as I looked around the room.

I only recognized two faces, the rest looked like strangers, but I knew they were family. I tried not to think about it. I turned my focus back to Ella. Harry placed Edward down onto the bed and he crawled to me.

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