chapter 22

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Oceane’s POV

It had been a few weeks since the airport incident. Harry had understood what I had been going through and that’s all I wanted. I snapped out of my thoughts as I glanced at the time. I stood up and walked to baby Edward’s room.

“Hey big boy! What are you doing?” I smiled picking him up. 

I held him close and kissed his headful of brown curls.

“You’re so cute!” I kissed him again

He shook his head and grabbed my face with his hands, kissing me

“Muah!” he giggled

I stared at him for a moment. He looked more and more like Harry everyday. I heard my phone start to ring in the other room.

“Whose that?” I asked Edward

I walked into the living room and picked up my phone

“Look it’s daddy!” I laughed, “Hello?”



“Are you still coming over?”

“Yeah I’m coming over to drop him off” I bounced Edward up and down on my hip

“Great! I can’t wait”

“I’ll see you soon” I told him before we hung up

Edward watched me with wide eyes.

“Hey! Are you ready to spend the night with daddy!” I kissed his little face again, “Let’s get you all bundled up”

I packed his overnight bag, his toys, a few pre-made bottles and extra formula. I zipped him up into his coat and tucked him into his car seat before leaving for the car.

Harry’s POV

I sat in my bedroom tapping my foot nervously. I picked up my phone again and called Louis.


“Hey, Lou”

“Hey Harry, everything ok?”

“Yes…and no”


“Yeah, Edward’s coming to stay the night”

“Oh that’s exciting”

“Yeah…I mean….I’m nervous. I don’t want to fuck anything up”

“You won’t. Just relax. Use your intuition”


“And if you have any problems call me, okay? Haz relax. You’re a natural.”

“Who said that?”


“She did?” I smirked to myself. 

I felt my ego inflate. 

“I have to go, they’re going to be here soon”

“Alright. Talk to you later” he told me before hanging up

I inhaled and waited. I looked at the clock.


I tapped my foot fidgeted until I heard my phone ring.

“Lou! I’m going to be fine. The baby will be-”


I looked at the phone and realized it was Paul.

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