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Excuse any mistakes


I was sitting on the floor in the room Karen and I shared. We were going through our assignments and as for Karen she was getting frustrated with the assignment she had for her creative writings class.

"Dorinda I can't do it."

"Yes you can Karen."

"He wants us to talk about our feelings in a poem."

"Well how do you feel?"

"I feel a lot."

"Let me see what you got."

"Don't laugh."

"I swear."

Shy girl shy girl
In a lonely world
Who else to pick on
I guess the fat girl
Not even knowing her name
Yet you only cause more shame
Paying attention to her size
Not even knowing she's a prize
Shy girl shy girl
In a lonely world
No one knows her name
Because I'm that shy girl.

"Karen this is good, is this why you chose the poetry concept for the project."


"You're not in a lonely world Karebear, I'm always with you. So is Twinkie, Jacky, and Niecy."

"But you all be to busy for me."

"Well we'll change that right now today."

"But when I'm in school it's different. People hate me, I'm not pretty im fat. Maybe if I looked like you they'd leave me alone."

"Karen you don't have to look like me. Baby you're beautiful, understand me. You're one of the prettiest girl in the world, don't you ever forget it."


"Karen Ian gone say it no more nie."

"Dorinda everyone wants you, nobody bothers you. Nobody wants me and everyone bothers me."

"Karen people do want you."

"Name one."

"I promised I wouldn't say."

"Because you and I know the answer no one." She ran out the room.

"Uh uh back it on up missy." Twinkie and Jacky brought her back.

"What's the matter with you Karen."

"Yea? What's going on."

"I'm not pretty, I'm fat and ugly."

"Karen don't start that mess."

"I'm being honest."

"You're beautiful Karen."

"But Jacky, y'all just saying that because we're sisters."

"No Karen we're saying that because we see. What do we have to do so you'd stop beating yourself up and believe us?"

" I don't know."

"Karen come here." I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the mirror.

"When you look at yourself what do you truly see, not what you get bullied for but what's deep down."

"Someone's who's smart."

"That's it?" We all said in unison.


"Karen look, deeper than your intelligence. Can't you see that you're beautiful, an amazing person, the best baby sister we could ever have."


"Yes really."

"Yea Karebear we all see that and I know someone else that sees it too."



"John doesn't like me Dorinda."

"Ok Karen." The doorbell rang and I ran to go get it.

"Well hey John."

"Hey Doe, is Karen available. I just really wanna apologize about earlier she didn't deserve that. She's amazing honestly and it's ridiculous that she doesn't see it."

"Well how about you tell her."

"Doe wait now i oh man."


"Yes Doe, John what brings you by?"

"I wanted to apologize about earlier today, you didn't deserve that and if it means anything I think you're beautiful."

Karen cheeks rose higher than the sun.

"Thank you and it's ok."

"Karen it's not ok. You getting treated like that will never be ok, look you don't believe it but you're a pure soul and as your friend I'm going to protect you. Ok Karen?"

"Ok John." I never seen Karen smile so bright before. She may hate to admit it but she indeed liked John and that's something I knew for a fact...


I legit dreaded going to school this morning or any day. Though I got up with a little more pep after last night with my sisters and John.

John was really handsome, smart, but he was a ladies man. I knew he would never want someone like me, despite what Dorinda say.

I was at my locker waiting on Dorinda but she turned some quick corner with Greg.

"Hey Karen."

"Hey John."

"Dorinda with Greg ainnit?"

"Yea you know how that goes. Mind if I carry your books for you?"


"Hey John." And here we go let the daily tactics begin.


"Karen, hey. I want to apologize for how I've treated you. If I may say you do have some of the most prettiest eyes and your smile is blinding. If it's anything you're up to maybe we can be friends, I do wanna get to know you." John pulled me closer to him before I could answer Brian's question.

"Now you wanna be friends her?"

"Yea, look I know it looks and sounds crazy but I always thought Karen was cute. I just followed my so called friends and did what they did. It's wrong I know John, but ion think you heard when I told you I liked her."

My eyes got big like fifty cents.

"Brian go ahead man cause if you had Karen you wouldn't know what to do with her."

"And you do John?" Brian questioned him as he walked closer.

"I believe I do."

"That's something we'll just have to see then." Brian grabbed my hand looking me in my eyes then letting go walking away.

I looked over at John as he just huffed moving from me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing Karen, I just need to talk to Dorinda that's all."

"Well uh sue should be at lunch if she's not hugged up with Greg."

"Yea that I know."

"Yea." His whole demeanor changed and that I don't understand.

Was Dorinda right? Did John actually like me?......

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