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Filler, excuse any mistakes


I woke up with Karen on top of me causing me to have morning wood.

"Karen.." I said softly


"You mind uh moving off me we have a little bit of a problem." She let her right eye open and looked at me. I thought she was going to move but instead she pulled my meat out and her panties to the side allowing me to slide in and went back to sleep, so I thought.

"What the—." Her hand went over my mouth as she rocked against me.

"Look we both need it so just shut up and get to work." Ian say nothing I just did what I needed to do while she silently moaned in my ear it had to be at least 3-4 in the morning.

"Stay quiet Drew." She sat up and start riding me slowly. Ain't no way she doing it like this, our eyes locked and that's where it stayed.

"I know you going through a lot Karen but I'm here every step of the way, I love you, I'm in love with you and I wanna be with you the rest of my life. Promise me we'll be together forever. I'm your back bone you can call me for whatever and I will always be there for you, I'll never turn away. I got you honey, don't ever be scared to come to me, don't every hide your emotions from me or what you're going through from me. I'm here, I will always be here."

A year slid down her face as I met her movements going slow but deep.

I wiped the tear that fell from her eye as the other dropped in my chest. "I love you."

"I love you too."  We held hands as we reached the top together, she didn't move, she just took it all.

Moaning at the feeling of me filling her up with my love. She bit her lip looking at me then smiling. "Give me more Drew."

I honestly couldn't believe this was Karen, but it was and I was going to enjoy every bit of it. I pulled out smiling to myself seeing all of her creams and mines on my part. I pulled her to the end of the bed smiling again seeing our love spill out of her still.

I tapped my manhood against her jewel before sliding back into her and started pounding. She laid there quiet as I tore her up. I grabbed her breast playing with her nipples as I felt her closing in on me. She watched me and my every movement as if she was daring me to go harder, faster, without saying a word.

"Come on Drew, you holding out on me."

What else could she want from me my gawd. She kept getting wetter and I kept getting hornier.

"Drew get up we got school! Drew— Damn." She threw the first thing she seen and laid him clean out.


"That'll teach not to barge in on us anymore. Now finish your business Drew, we can get to school later." I looked over at the clock, it was now 6. Time seem so slow but moved so fast and that's something I'd never understand.

"Bring it home Drew, ahhh."

I really do want her to walk today but she keep on she gone be struggling to leave the house.

"You really want it?"

"Mhh yes." I held her legs and went to work she got silent taking everything thrust and stroke I sent her way. I filled her up again as she liked me, I pulled out going down on her.

"Mhhh, breakfast in bed?"

"Eat up honey."  Her hands placed themselves in my hair.

"Wake up tasting good huh?"

"Ahh, just for you."


She came in my mouth and I just looked at her wanting to go at her again.

"Come here daddy, let me clean you up." She snatched me up real quick and just swallowed me whole.

"Damn babe." She was silent except for the sounds of her mouth on me.

"Come daddy, every drop counts." I emptied out in her mouth, she looked at me then swallowed then kissed the tip.

"Every kiss begins with K." I smiled at her then pulled her in for a intense make out session.

"Babe, throw some water on him and get 'em up."

"You knocked him out."

"He's your brother."

"Fine." She got up taking a pill then went to the bathroom. That's why she let me make her my little Twinkie, we might have to have a little conversation after school especially if the sex gone be like this.

"Drew baby?"

"Yes Karen?"


"Mhm, Goodmorning beautiful.." I pecked her lips as I drugged Ethan in his room splashing him with water.


"Get up fool, time for school."

Today was gone be a great day, I felt it.


"Hey uh have y'all seen Karen?"

Dorinda scoffed turning her head, I legit bout had it with her. "No Denise that's who we're waiting on."

Karen missed 1st period and now she can't even be found for 2nd. She didn't have a class which is why it was strange for her not to be here.

"Greg, have you seen Drew?" Dorinda asked him as he came our way

"Oh yea babe he just got here with Karen." I sighed in relief , I was honestly worried about her.

"Goodmorning y'all." She walked up to us hugging and kissing each one of our cheeks. She glowed differently this morning and seemed ten times happier than last night.

"Uh Goodmorning Karen."

"Goodmorning Drew."

"Goodmorning, babe I'll see you at lunch?"

"Of course love." They kissed and we all made a sick face just to mess with her.

"Denise, how you're feeling this morning?"

"After leaving the house it feels like a weight was lifted off my shoulders."

"I understand the feeling."

"Dorinda, Jacky, Twinkie? Y'all ok?"

"No Karen, I'm not ok." Here's Dorinda with her panties still in a bunch.

"Ok what's wrong now?"

"You left me Karen."

"No no I didn't not leave you. I got kicked out."

"All you had to do was hush up and you'd still be there."

"I've hushed up long enough, somebody in that house has to speak up. I'm not arguing with you about it no more. Look, y'all got a class to go to I'll be in the study hall, I had a great start to my morning and I want it to stay that way. Now excuse me ladies." She walked away with a sway in her walk and a little limo. That girl got some this morning that's why she not letting nothing phase her.

"Karen wait up."

"Yea Niecy."

"Hey, I just really owe you a thank you."

"No need to thank me, we're sisters. That's what I'm suppose to do Niecy. Despite them I have to be real and being real is letting them know they were wrong. I'm behind you a hundred percent, no matter what you can always call and count on me. Now got to class and be great."

"Yea, I love you Karen."

"I love you too Niecy."

For the first time I felt truly close to Karen without any restrictions of the family. Is this what having a true sister feels like, if so then I love it.

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