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"Do you not know who daughter you just kissed Drew?"

"I do."

"Boy ain't no way."


"I wanted that one and you just went and got her real quick."

"How you wanted her but you ain't never approached her."

"I use to talk about her all the time."

"Yet you never said her name. Yea go head man. This my first time even liking a girl and now you wanna say you liked her."

"She doesn't even like you."

"Yes she does and I can prove it."


"Just watch this." I picked up the phone calling Dorinda waiting for her to pick up.


"Hi, umm is Dorinda there?"

"Yea you're speaking to her."

"Good, Doe tell my brother that Karen likes me and not him."

"Your brother likes her?"


"Chi, he might as well give up cause that ain't happening."

"Thank you."

"Speaking of you mama wants you to come to dinner."

"Can I come tonight?"


"Ok be here by 6:00."

"Of course." My brother looked at me with this mug and I smile. There was no way he could ruin my mood.

I ended my conversation with Dorinda turning towards him.


"We'll see who she ends up with."

"You're still confident aren't you?"

"Just as confident as you brother."


He went in his room and I went to mines getting ready for Karen. I took a shower putting in my best cologne and doing my hair some.

Karen always makes me nervous but I'm a good way.

"Alright tell mother I'm at the Clark's."

"Sure." I left a note in her room anyways cause I had this feeling he wasn't going to say anything. I just can't believe he'd pull this knowing I've had eyes on Karen for the longest and now all of a sudden he like her.

I went out stopping by the market to get her some flowers then continued the short walk to her house.

I rang the doorbell as my nerves kicked into overdrive.

"Coming, who is it?"

"John Sheard."

The door unlocked and there she stood.

"Here these are for you."

"Thank you drew, they're beautiful."

"Just like you." She smiled and kissed my cheek before grabbing my hand and entering the house.

"Everyone this is John, Drew you know Twinkie, Doe, niecy, and Jacky."

"Hi John."


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