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Excuse any mistakes


Karen was here at my house while my parents was gone to get away from her sisters.

I took this time to get to know her a little more and learn her. We was sitting here and I can't even lie I was staring at her whole heartedly just admiring.

"What is there something wrong?"

"No not at all I just think you're truly beautiful, that's all."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are." I moved closer grabbing her hand.


"Please it's Drew, John is a little too formal."

"Drew, I'm not all of what you think of me."

"I know."

"You do?"

"Yea, because you're so much more."


"Karen you don't have my eyes so you can't see what I see but I think you're dang near close to perfect. I wanna get inside your head and figure you out. I wanna prove myself to you."

"Prove yourself?"

"Prove to you that you're suppose to be with me, that we're supposed to be together."

"Drew let's just take things slow and we'll be alright."

"Alright but if I may?"

"May what?" I pulled her close to me, she jumped at first but ended off with a smile.

"Let me look at you, stare into your soul and figure you out just a little bit."

"You're a smooth talker, you know that?"

"My mom tells me the same thing."


"Yea I have to smooth talk my way into stealing a biscuit while my brother and dad ain't looking."

"Yea you gotta be her favorite son if you can do that."

"Don't tell them but I am."

"Me too."

We shared a quick laugh before I got lost in her eyes once again.

"So how did the paper go for you?"

"It went well, actually better then I thought. She's putting in the contest."

"Congratulations, I'm so proud of you baby." She kissed my cheek giving me a big ole megawatt grin.

Something about her calling me baby sent a tingle down my spine.

"Yea and yours?"

"Mines going in too."

"I told you, you had it."

"I know I was just doubting myself."

"Like always, you gotta stop doing that."

"I know."

I moved the hair from out her face staring into her eyes.

"You have so much potential. Stop second guessing yourself. You're intelligent, one of the smartest people I know. I for sure believe and all that you can do and know that you're capable of doing it. Don't ever doubt yourself again, understand me?"

"Yes." Her eyes looked up into mines slowly, she took in the corner of her bottom lip innocently.


"Yes Drew?"

She was absolutely gorgeous

"You're perfect and may I be honest, I'm steadily but surely falling in love with you each and every day."

"But Drew—." I place my finger on her lips as I continued

"Shh, I been wanting to tell you for a while I just didn't know how. Though now I can tell you that I really wanna be with you Karen."

She looked at me blushing. I pulled her closer grabbing her by her chin as we both leaned in...

Our heads bobbed as the kiss intensified. Her hands held the back of my head as I held her beautiful face. Everything seemed so perfect until...

"John Drew Sheard."


I went home embarrassed but on the inside high, full of love. The kiss was so simple, so sweet. I couldn't stop thinking about it or could I stop smiling.

I walked in seeing mama and the girls on the couch, my heart dropped immediately to my stomach.

I went to mama first kissing her on the cheek, then to my sisters as I seated myself by Dorinda.

"Hi everyone."

"Hey Karebear."

"What's wrong?"

"Where were you today Karen?"

"I was at Mrs. Sheard house with John. Helping with his school work and discussing our recent paper we did for our class which is getting put in the competition at school. The winner gets a 1000 dollars and extra credit towards the end of school year."

" congrats Karen."

"See I told you could do it." Dorinda hugged me tightly as everyone was all smiles and then it turned serious again.

"I'm proud of you Karen."

"Thank you mama."

"Now about the John boy?" My eyes looked directly at Dorinda.

"Yes ma'am?"

"I ran into his mother earlier today, I heard he got a thing for you, correct?"

"Uh I guess."

"You guess?"

"Yes ma'am."

"The reason I'm saying something Karen is I think he's a good choice for you. The girls and I were talking and you know they didn't give up no information even though I knew that they knew." They looked at me and smiled.

"Bring him by when I'm home and we'll get to talking."

"Yes ma'am."

"Now y'all come on we have to practice."

"Yes ma'am." We all got up but I pulled Dorinda behind

"Doe I got something to tell you."


"We kissed."

"On the cheek?"

"No rinda, like how you and Greg kiss."


"His brother walked in."

"And what happened?"

"He grabbed Drew pulling him in the room, so I got up and came back home."

"Well how was it? Did you like it?"

"I did, and honestly Dorinda I wanna feel the feeling again."

"You're in love Karen."

"Maybe so doe, maybe so."

"Dorinda! Karen! Come on and quit gossiping."

"We're coming."

"I'll tell you more tonight."


We went in with the rest of the girls. Honestly the kiss made me feel funny but like a good funny. I want the feeling again, his lips just felt so soft. The kiss held more emotion and passion then his words did. I think I'm falling for him and hard....

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