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Excuse any mistakes


I was home alone for the simple fact I skipped school I heard some one come in, so I went to be nosy.

"Oh hey Dorinda, I didn't think you would be home."

"Ian think you would show up."

"Well I had to come get some more things."

"Yea." It fell silent as she went gathering her stuff.

"So how's Drew mom adapted to it?"

"She loves having a extra female around, it hasn't been a problem yet."

"Ok and Drew?"

"Well of course he loves having me around."



She continued to walk around me and I can't take it no more. "Karen."

"Yes Dorinda." She looks at me and I could tell that I hurt her above anyone else, I had to make it up to her some how.

"I'm sorry Karen, you're my best friend."

"Ok Dorinda."

"No not ok Karen, talk to me. Do something anything just speak to me please."

"Dorinda what is  there for me to say huh!? You sat there and didn't take up for your sister, she needed all of us and yet the rest of y'all stood under mama ass and treated Niecy as if she was a outcast. That is our sister Doe, just like I am. Though I see now what would happen if it was me, you'd turn away from me just because of mama. If she say jump you gone be the first thing to ask how high. Where's your Morals to stick up for all of us, if it was me would you stick up for me?"

"I'd jump in front of a bus for you Karen."

"Well you should've had that energy for Denise as well. You hurt me by hitting waaayyyyy below the belt."

"I'm sorry Karen honestly."

"You thought I would sit here and take what all you've said to me. I can't do that no more, I took what you've and everyone said and let it become me and look! Look what happened! I was bullied, y'all treated me like a baby for so long that it carried with me outside of this house. Now that I found myself and my voice yall want me to pipe down and go back to being the baby. Well I'm sorry I just can't do that. Bump Niecy for the moment, You did me wrong Dorinda!"

"Karen you don't understand."

"How! You sat there and just left me for dust, you could've, should've, had my back. I would've had yours and you know it Rinda! How could you turn on me!"

"I didn't turn on you, don't you see she's ruining us."

"Well what do you call it, huh! Look I'm not doing this with you Rinda."


"Mama got you poisoned real bad." She gathered her stuff and started headed downstairs.

"You're my best friend Karen, don't leave me!"

"I was your best friend, you made the decision when you chose to not have my back. Keep your apology Dorinda, I don't want it."

"But I love you Karen, you're my sister."

"I was your sister before, but I guess you wasn't mines. My love for you don't live here anymore Dorinda, goodbye." She walked out the door closing it, I opened it to see her look back at me tears in her eyes.

"KAREN!!" She shook her head and kept walking towards Drew's house.

This just couldn't be, I had to fix this. I had to have mama let her come back. I don't wanna lose my sister. But at the same time I just did..


I made it back to Drew's house going in his room and just burying myself under the covers and cried.

For some reason this hurt felt worser than any break up. I couldn't shake it, did I really mean my love for don't live within me anymore? Maybe I was just mad, she has to know I didn't mean it. I love Dorinda, I love all the girls; just me and Dorinda had a special bond.

"Karen?" Denise walked in with Drew

"Hey baby, why didn't you stay at school today?"

"Uh I felt sick."

"Karen, I heard bout what happened to you and Dorinda?"

"Nothing happened."

"So Greg lied to us?"

"No.. I just don't wanna talk about it."

"Go back home Karen. I know you're sticking beside me and I love you soooo much and more. But this I did too myself, you shouldn't have to endure this honey."

"But Niecy, you need someone, you need me."

"You right I do, but I think Dorinda needs you a little more then I do."

"I think Denise is right Karen."

"But baby." I don't want to leave him, I love being here with him. The mornings alone where we're late for school. Spending all night talking, going to sleep in his arms.

"Karen, I love having you with me. Though your family is important. You're always welcomed here you know that, mama loves you here, I especially love you here."

"I can tell you're happy here but you gut other things to handle."

"Yea y'all right."

"So after tonight, with tomorrow being a half a day, when we leave school go back home and talk to your mother ok?"

"I'll go with you Karen."

I thought about it and I knew they were valid. "Ok."


"Well karebear ima leave you two."

"Ok Niecy, I love you."

"I love you more baby sis, thank you for having my back."


Drew and I stared at each other. "I missed you today."

"I missed you too babe." He wrapped his arms around me leaning down to kiss me.

"I missed your face, your smile, and these delicious lips of yours."

"Oh really?"


"Show me how much you miss these lips."

"Oh trust me I will..."

We fell back in the bed kissing like we would never see each other again.

"How was your day baby?" He pecked my lips again before moving some hair out of my face as I laid on his chest.

"My day was ok, it would've been better if I had you by my side. Oh we started a new project, you and I are partners of course. So I suggest we get started on it now."

"Whatever you say, let's get to work daddy." He looked at me as his hand slipped down to grab my butt.

"Don't tempt me for a good time princess."

"If you can keep quiet I'd like to show you a good time tonight."

"I like the way you think Mrs. Sheard."

"And I like the way you respond Mr. Sheard." I pecked his lips as we got started on the work.

I honestly was having second thoughts about going back home to talk to mother, as Niecy should know she's not the easiest to talk to and honestly I didn't wanna go home either.

But I do have to fix things, I just hope I'm doing the right thing...

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