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Excuses any mistakes


Dorinda and Karen looked at each other, I cleared my thought and begin to speak just to make sure they understand the question.

"Ima as you again, are you two having sex?"

"Eww mama not with each other."

"Dorinda Grace don't play with me right now."

"Mama, no, don't pay Rinda no mind. All I've done with Drew is kiss, but you know that."

Though Karen may lie good she ain't good enough. Now I was gone wait for Dorinda response, poor thing couldn't lie even if the lord asked her to. Im disappointed in Karen for not telling me the truth along with her having sec at a young age especially knowing how I've raised her and seeing the outcome of doing grown people stuff and not ready for grown people consequences... Denise.

"Uh no mama."

I nodded my head looking at the both of them."Karen?"

"Yes mama?"

"Go get my glasses from the table over there."

"Yes mama." She got up doing as told, the girl had a limp on her that was something serious. Drew put something on her and ima follow cause she know better.

"Karen and Dorinda, I've raised you better than this. For you two to sit up here and do what you did then lie to me my heart is broken. You two are my back bones and this feels like a stab in the heart. Dorinda how long you've been having sex with Greg?"


"Just answer Dorinda."

"Maybe a month after we've gotten together."

"And Karen?"

"Today." I looked between the two. Dorinda eyes held regret as for Karen seemed satisfied regardless of where it placed my trust with her after this.

"How could you two just give it up and Dorinda you're suppose to set an example for Karen since y'all are the closet's to each other."

"Mama, I didn't think she'd find out what I was doing."

"How come Dorinda, just because you didn't tell me still didn't mean I wasn't going to find out."

"Karen you can't do what I do."

"Well I did the only thing about it I made extra sure I was protected."

"The only reason you did that was probably because you let him nut inside you."


"Oh Doe please, you the one trust Greg enough to not take a plan B."

"And you the one who don't trust him enough in general."

"Don't go there Dorinda."

"Why not Karen."

"What are you even mad at? And for your information once again we did use a condom but I still need to be secure with myself if I'm going to do the deed it's called being responsible and mature."

"Karen you're the last person to speak on mature when your the youngest in this family."

"Age does not define maturity as you can clearly see."

"Dorinda, Karen enough!"

"Mama she started it."

"It doesn't matter you two know better than to argue."

"But mama that's Dorinda."

"It does not matter I'm not gone say again."


"Now hug and make up." Karen won't going for it but Dorinda hugged and kissed her.

"I'm sorry Karen, you're right, I love you."

"I love you too rinda, just watch what you say especially if you can't take it."

"Well when did you have tough skin Karen? Before or after I was taking up for you."

"Karen.." I sensed it she was going to hop cross the table and hurt Dorinda for real.

"GRACE! Why would you say that to her?"

"You know what Dorinda, I've told you time and time again I could handle it you've jumped in the way over and over. I'm you're sister yes but I didn't ask you to jump in the mist of it all. Don't do that Dorinda, you don't even know how it feels because folks almost worship the ground you walk on especially the guys. Though you know Dorinda you don't have to take up for me no more, you don't even have to speak to me anymore." She wiped her eyes and got up I thought she was walking away but she walked right up to Dorinda.

"From this day forth Dorinda I won't ask anything of you, you've forgotten who's who Dorinda and becoming more like them." She went upstairs with tears in her eyes and hear I was left with Dorinda.


I put my hand up stopping her in her tracks. "You were wrong Dorinda."

"Well Karen won't right either."

"She won't but she has points. Don't ever put your trust in a man that you forget about your own safety. I'm very hurt by you two's action today and the realization of what y'all been doing. Karen like your best friend, you don't want her following what you do you'd want her to do better. I don't want either one of you becoming Denise but you might just be the next one."

What you mean by that mama?"

"In due time, you'll see."


I laid cross my bed crying, wishing I would've just stayed at Drews house. Dorinda really hurt my feelings tonight, we promised to never argue.


"Yes Jacky?"

"I heard you and Dorinda downstairs, you ok?"

"No Jacky, she really hurt my feelings."

"I know you're looking out for her but let her do what she do Karen she'll see in the end you were trying to protect her."

"I hope."

"So let's have a little girl talk, how was your first time?"

"It hurt at first, then I got this strange feeling and it started feeling good. I really love him Jacky, he made me feel safe. He really went out of his way to make sure it was something I was comfortable doing, that I wanted to do. He's a sweet heart and I never know the body could do some of the things it has done."

"Welcome to the adult world, were you protected?"

"Yes, and I took a plan B. I honestly don't believe those little condoms protect enough you never know what could seep through."

"You're absolutely right. I'm proud of how you're going about it yet disappointed that you did it."

"I know Jacky and I'm truly sorry."

"Don't be, cause lord know I'm in the same boat."

"Ouuu Jacqueline, yet you was on my behind."

"Had to, you're younger."

"And you're older."

"Exactly." She laughed coming to hug me then sat up on my bed wiping my eyes.

"Cheer up Karebear. I'm pretty sure you and Dorinda can solve it before sun rise."

"I hope so."

"I'm sure of it."

Soon Dorinda came in looking like she's been crying. "Doe what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry Karen, I should've never said that. I never wanna stop being there for you we need each other. I love you sister." And here she goes kissing all on my damn face.

"You forgive me?"

"Yes Dorinda."

"Good." We heard a loud commotion outside between mama and Denise.


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