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Excuse any mistakes


"Mama there isn't really nothing for use to talk about in all honesty I'm done. You gone be you and Dorinda gone be Dorinda."

"Why you're acting like this?"

"Like what?"

"So defiant. As if your mad with everyone, the whole world almost, except for Drew or Denise."

"Cause I can't repeat myself. Dorinda was my bestfriend she wasn't just my sister, she hurt me mama just not by how she treated Denise but how she's treated me and using my flaws against me. You just— I don't have words nice enough for you right now. It's alright if Dorinda does something but time I do something you act like I done bust the world wide open. Dorinda was having sex just like I was but yet you put me out and claimed it was because I spoke up for Denise, if that is so then wow. That just shows who you really are. We don't have nothing to talk about mother, just leave me alone."

"When are you gonna forgive me?"

"When I feel like it." I said hugging as she began to slowly annoy me."

"When will you forgive Dorinda?"

"Never, until she come to me with common sense."

Just then she barged in crying. "Never! never! You're gonna take that back right now Karen." She walked up time and got in my face

"Why should I!? You haven't taken anything you've said back, not that it matters, but still. You know you hurt my feelings you read the look on my face yet you continued to do it, you didn't have my back like I expected you too."

"It was mama Karen, I didn't wanna go against her."

"But mama ain't there when you're crying having nightmares because of daddy. Mama ain't there when you sad over Greg, mama won't there taking care of you were sick. Yet you chose to stand by her when you should've been there for me and had my back like I had yours. You sat used my own obstacles against me, then claiming that I had something wrong with me when I only spoke the truth. Dorinda you hurt me more then you know. Then judging Denise like you wasn't almost in her same position. I don't get it."

Mama looked at me like she wanted to slap me, she started to but Dorinda grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry Karen really I am."

"I'll accept when I see that your sorry."

"What will it take?"

"For you to start calling out your own and mamas bull. I see straight through you and her and that's what she can't stand. She got you Dorinda and ion know what it's gone take for you to realize that."

Mama looked at Dorinda as if she was testing to see who Doe was gonna side with.

"Mama, I— Karen really has been there and
I do love you but you've been wrong for so long. The pain that you caused, I can't sit and watch it no more. Look into her eyes? I know i hurt her but you hurt her as well and as a mother we needed you and you won't there."

"I had things to do with the church you guys know this. Y'all chose to run out in the street and do whatever."

"So you saying the church is more important then your kids? Your girls? Though you got us singing for you back to back, I get it now... you're concerned with your image for the church. The church is more important than us, well suh I reckon that the church gone be there for you when your old and grey cause I'm not. Not until you realize that the church is just a building and we are you kids. God didn't give us to you for nothing mama, remember that. Now if y'all could I would like to wash up for tonight."

Mama looked at me with eyes I never seen before, something in me knew that she was strange and it wasn't in a good way. That let me know right then and there I struck a nerve deep down... I finally got her.

"Ok Karen, I want you to remember and take hold of everything you said."

"I will, because it's the truth and that's something you ain't ready for all the way."

"Rehearsals are tomorrow at 10."


"Dorinda come on."

"No, I'm not done talking to her just yet."

Ouuu mama ain like that Dorinda ain't go when she wanted her too.

"Fine." She left slamming my door.

"Karen I was afraid of mama. The truth of the matter I think she had sense of what daddy was doing to me but never acting on it until y'all came and helped me."

"Dorinda, I told you to always come talk to me about what ever it is. I got you."

"I know I don't know. That's mother and—."

"That's mother yes before you say yo lone ima hand this to you. That's mother, we love her and we love her enough to her know she's wrong, let her know that her actions weren't right and they didn't make us feel safe to be here, to be hers."

Dorinda nodded her head to me as she looked me. "I love you Karen, I never meant to do what I did and make you feel those ways. You're my best friend, my only friend."

"And your mines." I said it lowly but she still heard me giving a smile with all her teeth show.

"Sisters again?"

"Dorinda I'll never stopped being your sister." I hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek.

"I hope we never fall out this bad again."

"We won't." She sat in my room a little longer before leaving.

Now that they know I'm really not the one or the two to play with I hope they get the message and receive it with high alerts....

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