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Excuse any mistakes


So tonight Drew's taking me out for our first official date plus we both passed our exams.


"Yes mama?"

"I was in your room earlier and the sheets were wet. What happened?"

"Uhhh I spilled water."

"Oh really?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Ok well if you spilled water why did I find boxer's tangled up in them?"


"Yes Valencia, Boxers."

"I don't know mama."

"Oh I know you wouldn't know, because you were too busy in here in your back."

"Mama I—."

"Save it Karen. Each and every time you find a way to disappoint me."

I rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom, it's always something with her regardless of what the other sisters got going on. She act like if I do something I done damn near killed her.

I got dressed rather quickly going out the door and to Drew.

"My my you look so good, come here girl." Drew picked me up hugging me then put me down.

He talking bout me, but Lawd hamercy it's him. So dang on sexy, mhhh mmm.

"Well my lady for one I'd like to congratulate you on your exemplary performance during our class. I must say we work well together, I also would like to thank you for helping me as well. Without you I couldn't do it, couldn't stay focused enough to get the job done. Your support, push, you know how to keep me together when I try to get lost. I love you beautiful." He kissed my cheek handing me some roses.

"you as well help me so, I wanna thank you too."

His eyes and mines were doing a whole lot of talking I don't think this date is gonna last long at all nor the deal we made either.

He makes it so hard for me not to give in to him he just does everything to me with his eyes and I be wanting to just jump on him and give him a baby.

"Karen listen if I can, I'd like to give you something." I looked at him like ok, you ain't have to tell me you was giving me something but whatever floats your boat.

He pulled out this small box grabbing my hand and opening it. "This here babygirl is my promise to you, Karen listen I'm not perfect but I can guarantee you that I'm the only man for you. You and me we work well together, we look good together, and the way we move together is something else. I see my future with you and it's everything I dreamed of with you as my queen. I knew there was no competition between Ethan and I when it came to you cause I knew what it was. I'm sorry I took so long to tell you my true feelings, but honestly Karen I was nervous. I nervous that you didn't see me that way, didn't like me like that, or wouldn't even give me a chance. Though all I can say is that I'm glad you did. I love babygirl and I'm more than honored to have you as my girlfriend, as my leading lady." I kissed him like it was no tomorrow .

"Baby, I don't know what to say honestly, thank you so much baby. I love you."

"I love you more baby." We hugged falling back onto the couch. I love this man to death really he's my everything.

His mom and mine came through the door l which shocked us, I'm just glad we won't doing anything.

"Where's Ethan, Drew?"

"I don't know ma, I haven't seen him come down stairs."


"Yes mama?"

"Where's Denise?"

"That mama, I don't know. I haven't spoken with Denise but maybe Dorinda has."

"Dorinda is with Greg."

"Oh well maybe Ethan and Denise are together?"

"Yea maybe." She looked at me and I could tell something was wrong.

"Mama, what's going on?"

"The baby Denise carrying might not be Ethan's." Drew mother spoke up looking toward Drew and I.

"Well yea ma but at the same time she told me details that it is his."

"Well no offense to you Karen because that is your sister but as I was explaining to your mother a little birdy came to me today and mentioned other wise."

"Let me guess the deacon."

"Better yet his wife." My eyes got big like fifty cents.

"So I hate to say this but I don't want Drew around you or your sisters anymore especially if they're gonna carry about like this."

"Mama! No that's not happening, I love Karen. You can't do that cause she did what she did and Ethan doing what he's doing." Drew stood up and I was still in utter shock almost.


"Mama no. That doesn't have anything to do with us, what they do isn't of us. Karen and I were grown enough to understand that once we gave ourselves to each other that there was to be no one else. We have a firm understanding, a pact almost."

"Mrs. Sheard, I know my sister isn't giving a good example and neither have I; but understand when it comes to your son Drew he's the only I want, the only father I want for my kids, and the only lover I will ever need."

"Karen, you Drew yourselves have done some—."

"Mama, don't you have two baby daddies?  You won't no saint mama, and that's something you need to remember. We may not know what we're doing but we understand and know to take precautions and be safe."

"And ma you seem to continuously forget Ethan been running a jezebel town through here."

"Leave me and Drew out of this and take that up with them two." I grabbed Drew's hand looking at him as he got up

"Mother we'll be back around 11, come on bae. Let's leave the adult to ponder about their eldest children."

"Drew, Karen.."

We walked out going to the park down the street. "What's up with them?"

"I don't know, I just can't believe they would say to us to stop being around each other."

"I know but I wouldn't let anything in this world tear us apart. I love you babygirl, I'd travel and search for you and every lifetime."  We kissed again this time longer than before. I think I really got this kissing thing down pat.

"Let get our date started."



"Damn Denise."

Y'all this is wrong but she's the closets thing to sleeping with Karen and not to lie she's was pretty good.

She stayed silent as her body told me what I need to know. We've been up here all day even heard commotion downstairs, though we paid it no mind. Even though she was pregnant she still had it in her, Denise and I are always here for a good time within each other.

"Damn." I caught my breath as I busted. I got up sliding my shorts on.

"I'll be right back babe."'ok oh forget karen for a moment I think I actually grew to look and like Denise.

I opened up the door thinking I was going downstairs to get some water but that was short lived when I see my mother and her mother standing on the other side of the door.

"Hey there..."

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