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Excuse any mistakes


It was the next morning and mother had us rehearsing for Sunday.

"No no Dorinda you're singing the wrong part."

"But mama that's always been her note."

"Yea ma, what's the switch up for? Dorinda takes middle, Jacky and Twinkie take bottom, Niecy and I take top."

"Karen you're taking the middle. Niecy, Dorinda,  I want you two to take top. Play Twinkie."

"Though we are tried, like silver in the fire. We come out as pure gold. We must be refine, and then we need a shine. We come out as pure gold.
There is a process, to our fulfillingness
There is significance, to every experience"

She signaled us to stop and Dorinda just won't having it. "Mama no that's just not the right part, Karen takes the high note for a reason. I don't go as high as she does mama and you know this."

"Dorinda's right mama, Karen fits perfectly at the top. You shouldn't have switched the two." Niecy said as mama looked at her disgustingly.

"Fine, we'll put you back at your normal parts." We nodded our heads in agreement as Dorinda grabbed her ear.

"Ah!" We gathered around her quickly as mama sat there.

"Dorinda stop that playing and prolonging. We have to finish rehearsing."

Dorinda grabbed me with tears in her eyes. "What's wrong doe doe?"

"Karen I can't hear out of my ear." She started full blown crying.

"Cut it out girls."

"Mama Rinda can't hear, we gotta get her to the hospital."

"Oh that girl can hear perfectly fine."

"No mama I can't, I really can't. Karen please.."

"Come on." I grabbed mama keys handed them to Jacky.

"It's gone be ok Rinda. Mama come on, we need you here."

She got up noticing that it was a joke anymore. "I'll drive, Twinkie Niecy you stay here."

"Yes ma'am." We got in the car as I let Dorinda lay in my lap.

"When this start doe doe?"

"It's been in and out for a couple of weeks I just thought my ears were stopping up because of my sinuses."

"Are you hurting?"

"Yea, it's a sharp stabbing pain in my ear."

"And for your hearing in your right ear?"

"It's fine I can hear normally."

"Ok. Everything's gonna be fine Dorinda." I held her hand the whole way there.

When arriving nothing told the receptionist what was going on and they immediately took her back, it hurt me that I couldn't go with her I could tell she was scared.

"What could've caused it Jacky?"

"I don't know Karen, not this time."  We looked at each other as I whispered a prayer.

Father I come to you as humble as I know how first to say thank you. God please let my sister be alright, that nothing will hinder her to continue to sing her praises to you. In Jesus name I pray, amen...

John Drew

"Mama why would you tell me to stop seeing Karen?" I sat on her bed as we were conversing about what took place yesterday.

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