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I woke up with Karen hugged around me ever so tightly.

She's my sweet thang, my everything. I kissed her forehead and continued to watch her sleep as I sat in thought about the last school year to come for us. Karen was graduating with my class because let's face it the girl is smart. I mean she's soared through the past school year with ease and for them to let her jump a grade and come on out is something. Dorinda was happy about as well, she didn't want to leave Karen in that school by herself and to tell the truth I didn't wanna do that either.

I hiked her leg up on my waist as I rubbed her thigh in soft circles. Karen skin was soft and she always smelled good, so good that I didn't mind coming home smelling like a female at least I know that I smell like her.

Though the pressure is on with Ethan and Denise, she's getting bigger, the baby's getting closer I mean the boy gotta step up his game and quick. Coming after my woman was not gonna save them cause what Karen say you just can't compete when you just can't compare.

Not to toot my own horn but Karen made me feel like the greatest guy on earth. Her love for me makes me feel like I've won the lottery and being with her made it ten times greater. I'm so blessed to have and amazing young woman like her, she's everything to me.

I placed my hand up on her hip going round to cup her butt and immediately I felt something wet. This girl.

"Baby, come on go back to sleep honey."

"How you knew I was up?"

"For the simple fact I heard your eyes blink."

"Say what now?" We look at each other before smiling.

"Baby get some rest, we're gonna be tired for real when we have to help Glenn get ready for his proposal."

"You're right but how come he didn't ask Dorinda and Greg, or Denise and Twinkie."

"That I don't know, though I'm honored to be of their service for this occasion, my oldest sister getting married. I admire Jacky a lot and in someways I look up to her and Dorinda as well."

"I know babygirl, you and Dorinda are like two peas in a pot."

"I'm glad you know."

"Speaking of the Dorinda, how is she. I haven't seen her and Greg hanging around each other much, what's up with that?"

"Well Dorinda has to get ear surgery soon, so that's one thing going on but as for her and Greg I just don't know."

"I hope they get it together cause you know I like them together."

"Me too."

"I hope the surgery goes ok as well."

"Oh it will, but babe can I tell you something?"

"Of course you can."

I know I said I was gone let it go but it was just so weird so I decided to tell my man. "To sum it all up, Dorinda accidentally kissed me and now she's somewhat distant towards me. It's just we was doing so good in getting back right, then that happened and it's like it pushed us further apart."

"Woah, she kissed you? Like on the lips kissed you?"

"Baby yes. It happened so fast, I know she didn't mean to but it's just her actions afterwards there's something wrong with my girl."

"Maaann you got that right. Have you talked to her about it fully?"

"No, I just pushed it under the rug because of her upcoming surgery."

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