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Excuse any mistakes 💛


"You're becoming too close with Drew."

"What you mean doe? He's my boyfriend."

"Since when?"

"Since we was under the street light."

"Doe May I ask what is your real problem with him and Karen?"

"Yea because none of this is making sense."

"Please Dorinda explain."

"I just don't want her to get too close and get hurt.... Or forget about me."

"Come here doe." I held my arms out for her to hug me. I kissed her cheek holding her as if she was my child.

"Doe has anything separated us to the point where I've forgotten about you?"


"Your my sister, nothings changing that."

"Ok then, I like Drew just like you like Greg. And we're still cool, you're my best friend. Nothing will ever come between us."

"I love you Karebear."

"I love you too Doe."

"Soooooooo y'all smooching under lights huh?"

"It was so passionate. I felt like I was on cloud nine. His lips fell so easily into mines, so soft." Here I was day dreaming and reminiscing about what we just shared moments before my interrogation from my sisters. I couldn't wait to be near him, kiss him, hold him, and most importantly laugh with him. He's everything, and most definitely I was in love with him.

"Ouuuuuuu Karen." We laughed as we all sat up in the room talking and caring on before we went to sleep but shortly after was woken up by mama and her tunes.

"Mama the lord gave you that song not us."

"Yea mama, we tired and we got school."

"Well if you wouldn't have been up talking y'all be good and rested."


"Mama nothing. Now come on and get together. Twinkie and Jacky bottom, Dorinda, Denise middle, and Karen sit back on this one."


I sat back as they started singing I ended up falling asleep in the chair. Drew invaded my mind our kisses his touch, it drove my body to a feeling I never felt before. The way he has me I don't know what to do, my whole body craves him and caves in at his touch. He drives me crazy.


"Goodmorning Drew."

"Morning mama."

"How did dinner with the Clark's go?"

"It went well."

"And karen?"

"She's perfect..."

"You like her Drew?"

"Like her... mama I love her."

"She got you wrapped already."

"Not uh."

"Uh huh."

"Morning mama."

"Morning Ethan."



I still won't getting past the part that he had eyes for my woman knowing I had eyes for her first.

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