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Filler excuse any mistakes


Things with Greg and I didn't go well so we're taking a break. Lately I've been up under Karen being that she's moved back in and I couldn't be more happier.

I sat on the side of the bed crying just thinking about how confiding in Greg lead to him leaving me.



"You're red pumpkin, come talk to me. It's about Greg?"


"It's ok Rinda, I got you." I cried on her shoulder as she rocked me back in forth.

Sometimes I forget that Karen is the baby sister, she should be crying on my shoulder not the other way around. Though I do appreciate her.

"Look, it's his lost beautiful not yours. Remember that for me, ok?"


"I'm going to Drew house for a moment. Niecy will be home all day mother is coming back tomorrow. Jacky and Twinkie went with her, so it's just you me and Niecy. I'll come home and we'll bond and have a nice night ok?"

"Ok, I love you Karen."

"I love you too, stop crying. You're too pretty to cry, especially over him. He was giving me mr. potato head vibes."

I laughed and so did she, she kissed my cheek as she walked out the room with me behind her but I went into Niecy's room.

"Can I come in?" Niecy and I haven't really spoken much and that's my fault.

"Of course Rinda."

"So how you been with the baby and stuff?"

"I'm ok just takes some getting use to."



"I'm sorry."

"Oh Rinda." She hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek.

"All is forgiven."

"But how do I get me and Karen back together?"

"Be patient with her, mind you Dorinda you did hurt her bad."

"I know but I just thought we would be back how we were."

"Give her a minute Rinda y'all gone be alright."



"Hey baby boy." I came in with a surprise for him just a lil appreciation gift.

"Well hello Karen."

"Ethan please." I pushed passed him sitting the stuff down on the table.

"How come you always here, don't you got some females to entertain."

"Well yea but you know, I gotta make room just in case you wanna be one of em."

"Never, you better worry bout if Denise baby is yours."

"That is very much try, sit down. Tell me how y'all figured out."

"What you mean how we figured out, one plus one is two dummy. Look she said she slept with one other person but they didn't have a slip up."

"So she's saying me and her had a slip up?"

"She said the condom broke."

"Damn I knew her shit was good but that good. I wonder if yours better."

"Don't try me ethan, bottom line, take a blood test when the baby comes out to be sure."

"You're right, I just ain't believe that could happen."

"Yea well it does. Protection ain't always protection."

"Yea. So you and Drew y'all use?"

"Of course. You should too with all these females you messing with."

"Lay off me Karen."

"Nah tell them to lay off and you lay off of me."

"Give a brother a chance."

"I am giving a brother a chance, your brother."

"Baby!" And in came my lover, giving me a kiss then hugging me.

"Hi honey." He looked over at Ethan

"He ain't touch you did he?"

"No we were having a conversation bout Denise."

"Drew come on, did I touch her?"

"You weird like that."

"Baby, don't seriously we was just having a conversation."

"Oh Igh."

"Look if I'm causing trouble between you two I can just leave."

"No! I mean no Karen."

"Yea Karen, me and Drew here were fine."

I looked between the two of them and then grabbed my gift for Drew.

"Ok, here honey. I know you been stressing about the upcoming test despite our studies. So I wanted to gift you something that could maybe make you feel better."

"Oh man thank you babes, you didn't have to." He was grinning from ear to ear as he kissed my cheeked.

"Well ima leave you two love birds alone."

"Thanks man, come in kare let's go to my room." Drew grabbed my hand going upstairs. Reaching his room we got in with him closing the door and sitting his gift down.

"Come here girl." He laid me on the bed so swiftly.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too."

"You need to stop stressing bout the test baby. You're gonna do fine, understand me?"

"I do, thank you for helping me."

"Always baby."

"Give me son love."

"I'm all yours, take me."



Could I really be a daddy. There's just no way, I don't even remember properly. 

I thought back to what Karen was saying, I needed to go speak to Denise immediately.

I grabbed my jacket heading over there, I knocked on the door and Dorinda answered


"I need to speak to Denise."

"Where's Karen?"

"Moaning  in Drew ear." Denise walked down the stairs with Jacky.


"Look Denise we needa talk..."

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