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"What you mean you've been removed?"

"You should know Karen since it's your fault." She spat at me getting in my face

"How! I didn't do nothing, say anything." She pointed into my chest and began to speak.

"You, you and that boy right there are the reason I've been removed. You told him too much and he carried it back to his mama, just like the mama boy he is. He didn't have to courage to speak to me but his mama did. If you would've stayed quiet like you've been all your life none of this would've happened Karen." Drew came and pushed her off me.

"Mama, you can't blame her for that when it's your own doing." Jacky looked at her seeing how spiteful mama really was. She'd never change and that's something I should've known from the start.

" Oh but I can. Why couldn't you stay quiet like you use to be huh, life was better when we all treated like a baby and you acted like it—."

"Enough! Don't take a step closer, this is where I draw the line. Mattie, I have zero respect for you and the reason I told my mother because she got respect enough not to really tell you how she feel about this whole thing, see me I don't care too much so ima let you have what you looking for."

"You hurt my baby, I don't play that. Regardless Karen is my bestfriend before anything and I've sat year after year watching how your words became her. Understand your words have power, your words you used to hurt her instead of up lift her. Karen hasn't done anything but tell the truth and do the right thing. What you really mad about huh, or are you jealous of the beautiful, well mannered, self driven young woman she's becoming. Something that in time you never managed to become." Drew got in her face towering over her with each word he said.

"This! y'all as a family didn't start falling apart until the dark came to the light. You was worried bout her and Dorinda having relations when your husband was trynna relation them. Oh yea I know bout it now, Dorinda tried to tell Greg multiple times about it he would tell me. At first he didn't believe it until he noticed a bruise on her thigh that he ain't make, am I getting this right Dorinda."

"I—I, yes. Mama you were worried bout the wrong things but the main question is why you acting like this, why can't we go back to being a happy family huh? Daddy's gone, we should be able to comfort each other and move forward."

"That's the point your daddy gone, she didn't care what he was doing long as he was paying the bills and getting her whatever she wanted, taking care of y'all. Oh you think Ian heard you Mattie, church folks shole do talk a lot. Her provider is gone, now she gotta step up to the plate, but the question is can she. Knowing the church they're looking at her a certain way, hearing the accusations, about the divorce, and now being removed; that was just the icing on the cake. Mattie understand, you can't get away with doing wrong, especially with your girls as you call them. Do you love them Mattie, or love how good they can sing for you? Do you truly care for them or just for how good they can make you look in front of the beloved church? How you feel about them huh, about Karen, Denise, Twinkie, Jacky, and Dorinda? Tell them Mattie, tell your girls how they mother truly feels? Oh I forgot their father beat you to the punch with that one." He laughed in her face before grabbing my hand.

"Ladies I enjoyed hearing you sing, but I have one small critique. You'll sound better when the weight of this woman's negativity stops weighing you down. Now Dorinda, Greg is waiting on you and I can tell you now, you're gonna be pleased. Jacky again congratulations on the apartment and the engagement. Twank I know about you, and we gone talk about that soon."

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