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Excuse any mistakes


"Come home with me tonight." Drew and I were still on a love high. His lips continuously fell into mines in a lazy like manner. Little did he know all this was just turning me into a leaky faucet.

"You know I'd lover too, but..."

"But..." he said in between the kiss. You'd think Jacky and Glenn couldn't stay off each other, it was me and Drew. I loved this man so much, I'd do anything for him. He's my heart, my safe place, my home...

"Yall ain't quit lip locking yet." Glenn said coming out the kitchen bringing out a fruit tray.

"I'll never stop lip locking this girl here." Drew pulled me close with his hand wrapped around my lower waist resting in my hip.

With his head on my shoulder he whispered in my ear. "You're beautiful baby. So sexy, can't wait to place my hands on you and my.. Mhh you know put it inside you." He bit my shoulder then kissed my cheek.

Lawd it's hot, real hot. "Jacky? Can you cut the air on."

"It's on Karen, why what's wrong?"

"I guess I'm starting to over heating."

"Yea. Your body was heating up for me." He whispered in my ear then kissed my sweet spot on my neck.

Jacky sat across from us in Glenn's lap, laying her head on his shoulder and her hand on his thigh.

"So y'all two, what's up? Drew what's going on." Glenn asked trying to direct our attention elsewhere

"What's going on? Man I'm in love, deeply. I have the most gorgeous girl in the world. Though I'm hurting... hurting because my pretty girl is hurting and she don't wanna speak on it, just want to push things under the rug and move forward."

He looked at me as Jacky spoke. "Karen what's going on for real."

"I know I should be over it but that big blow up with mama. It still bothers me, I feel like my voice wasn't heard. That though I spoke up, it wasn't enough, that mama ain't gonna change. That it's gone be worser when you leave. Jacky, I don't wanna be placed in a position where I have to walk away from my own mother. Though I don't want to keep being in a toxic household either. It just hurts sometimes that nobody regardless of anything gone hold me down like I hold them down in that household. Then with Dorinda things just keep getting weirder, I don't know. The only thing I can do is put it behind us and move forward."

"Oh Karen." A tear fell from my eye as I sat and thought about it.

"Don't cry baby." He wiped my tears laying my head on his shoulder.

"It's gonna be ok baby, I'm here." After all this time I was finally having a breakdown and full blown breakdown.

"I'm sorry y'all. This is y'all's engagement and here I am crying."

"No karebear that doesn't matter, you needed to let this out. Come on."

Jacky held out her hand for me to grab as we went to the bathroom. "Hey, look at me. Let it out, I'm here for you ok. Just because I'm moving out doesn't mean you're losing your big sister. I will always be here for you Karen, always. Mama and her mess weighing you down, come here. When things become to much for you, come here and talk to me Karen. Don't ever sit up here and hold all that within because as you can see it was on the way of taking you out."

My tears rolled non stop as Jacky hugged me tightly. "I'm so proud of you, I couldn't ask for a better sister. I love you so much Karen, believe me. You are so appreciated by me and I know Drew appreciates you as well." He walked in grabbed my hand and pulled me from Jacky. His eyes were in mines, they looked so sincere; held so much passion and love for me.

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