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Excuse any mistakes


"Hey there..."

"Uh hey ma, Mrs. Clark."

"Come out Denise."

"Denise, she's not in—."

"Yes mother." There just won't no need to lie at least not to Mattie.

"So you just go walk up through here and disrespect willie Mae house."

"Mrs. Clark I initiated it, don't blame her."

"Boy hush up."

"But mama."

"Denise get your things and let's go."

"No, I want Denise here with me. She's pregnant and I need to be around. Mama you let Karen stay so let Denise stay."

"That was before I knew Drew was laying down lumber in my house."

"Man listen, this is the mother of my child let me be there for her."

"Be there for her or be there just to be in her sisters face."

"Mama no, I'm over Karen I really think I wanna build something with Denise; that is if you let me?" I turned to her reaching for her hand.

"Ethan I don't know you've been very questionable lately."

"I know but I'll change, I'm willing to honestly."

"Listen that's nice and all but for right now just be here for the baby."

"Ok, but still mama she's living here. There's no telling when Mattie will start her shenanigans, trust me I've heard about the last time and I personally don't think it's fair you treated her or Karen that way when you raised them to stick up for each other but time something happens you don't like it you flip the switch."

"Personally little hot boy I don't think it's any of your business what goes on in my house hold."

"It becomes my business when it's brought here and I hear about because your daughter crying her eyes out to my brother about how you've treated her." My face was met with a sting of my own mother.

"You will not disrespect anyone in here."

"But mama, we not gone sit up here and do this cause you know mama. You she be wrong, that's not fair to the girls. Denise haven't did anything to you and you treat as if she's dirty."

"She's pregnant under my roof. Let's be clear, and then didn't know who the baby daddy was at first." Something in Denise snapped

"That doesn't matter, mama! I needed you to be there instead you was quick to toss me out like I won't nothing. Got mad at Karen cause she was the only damn one to stick beside me and see through the bullshit of you. Dorinda was so high up your ass knowing damn Karen is her best friend turned her back on her for the likes of you. Yet you sit and wonder why they act so strange. Karen ain't over that hurt from her nor you. You downing me cause I'm pregnant but maybe if you would've talked to us or just been home we wouldn't be out here doing what we do and if you think that Dorinda is any better then Karen and I think again cause your husband was in bed wit her too. That's why that situation went down like that and even after the fact it went down not you once went to go talk to that child. Mattie you looking at us as sun and dirt but baby you ain't no better. Now if you would excuse me I'll meet you back the house mother. Mrs. Sheard, nice meeting you boo just wish it was better circumstances."

We all stood in shock. "Oh Ethan care to go grab some food with me?"

"I uh.. sure." I closed my room door leaving them standing out there getting dressed.

We opened up the door and they were still standing, Mattie with her mouth opened and my mama secretly glad Denise spoke up.

When Karen got here mama was listening and did not like what she heard. Willie Mae acting like this cause mattie here but time she leave and Drew and I come back it's gone be a different story.


I'm still in utter disbelief almost that they would say that. Personally her mama just mad and that's just on her.

"Babe how's you and dorinda?" I turned to asked her while we continue to walk in peace.

"It's somewhere. I never really fully talked it out with her. I don't know Drew I just she.. I never thought she'd do me like that you know. Yet when push came to shove and she needed me, I ran there always. I just don't get it, I never do them how they do me."

"You need to talk to her so you won't continue to walk around feeling like that."

"I knew I go but still it's not easy to talk to Dorinda. Sometimes she feels as if she did no wrong and that what gets me."

"Well this time you gotta make her see the wrong she did rather she want to or not, because deep down your feelings are truly hurt and you probably feel as if you can't fully trust her the same because of how quick she turned her back on you."

Mentally I can tell that it still bothers her, it still hurts her. It breaks my heart that she's even trynna mask it and say that how they've treated her wasn't right. I knew Denise getting the bad end but Karen is as well and it's beginning to affect her I noticed that she used sex as an escape from it and god knows I did enjoy it but that's not healthy either. My baby really going through something but her strength to carry forth as if nothing is wrong is gonna be her downfall as well.

"Yea." We walked in the restaurant taking our seats.

"I don't know what it is about you Karen but gosh your shine like a white light from heaven." I look at her as the once extraordinary bright light that would shine was now losing its brightness. Though I wasn't ready to tell her that just yet.

"Thank you."

My baby hurting from all of this angry I feel like there's nothing that I can do.

"Drew what's wrong honey?" She grabbed my hand from across the table.

"Nothing babygirl."

"You're lying to me."

"I'm not." She gave me this look and I couldn't read it.

"You're worried about me, concerned that all this that I'm going through is gonna affect me, us? Because I'm keeping quiet and just in your words letting them treat me any way. You think that me holding it all in that I'm gonna blow up real soon."

"Well yea."

"I'm ok honey. Believe me."

I could tell she was saying it just to calm me, so I'll just go wit it.

"Ok babe."

I don't know when, I don't know how? But Karen was gonna lose it sooner then she and I both think...

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