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Excuse any mistakes


I laid up in the bed staring at the four walls, all my girls was here except for Karen.

My babygirl wasn't here, and that hurt the most. Reflecting on everything realizing she stood on everything she said to me.

Karen.. my babygirl, my strongest girl. Karen, I hurt my Karen and now her hurt is hurting me.

"Mama what's wrong?"

"Nothing babies, I'm fine."

"Mama, I'm sorry I don't know what's taking Karen so long to get here." Jacky spoke up as simply nodded my head.

"If she's with John then we know what's taking her so long." Dorinda mumbled, but I still heard her.

"Grace, stop."

"I'm just saying mama."

"She'll come, I know she will." They all sat back falling asleep a couple of hours later as I stayed up watching and waiting for Karen.

Would she show? How I've been treating her lately I wouldn't blame her if she didn't.

"Jacky, Jacky?"

"Yes mama?"

"Take the girls home."

"Ok mama, come on y'all let's go home."


"Dorinda go head on, I'll be fine." She was about to say something but hushed.

"I love you girls."

"We love you too." They left and maybe a hour later walked in Karen.


"Karen baby, I'm so glad to see you." I immediately started feeling better but realize my many mistakes with her.

"Hmph, so what's going on?" She's stubborn as a ox but that's just the way she is and with things lately she has that right.

"My blood pressure is up a little that's all."

"If you'd stay home sometime and give yourself time to rest you'd be alright."

"Yea, I know baby."

Karen looked at me before taking a deep breath. "Mama I'm sorry, I thought I was teaching you a lesson by making you think I wasn't gonna come I—."

"Karen, I deserve it. I've treated you so wrong and you were only standing up for what was right, just like I raised you. Karen I got a feeling I've pushed you furthest from me as for that I'm sorry. You did teach me a lesson, to never take my children for granted. Karen you're my babygirl and I love you oh so much. I'm beyond proud of you. I'm not disappointed in you honey, I'm not mad at you either. You stood for your word and made sure that you stood firm on it. I admire you Karen I myself wish I was somewhat like you maybe things would've been different, you guys life would've been different."

"Mama.." I grabbed her hand holding it tightly

"Karen, you have something on you that is so strong even I can't handle it sometimes. You have so much within you that you don't even know, but in due time it'll be revealed. Karen, you're the one honey. You're the one and that man you got John, you're gonna lead him to where he needs to go. My babygirl, you're my greatest girl and I love you."

"I love you more mama, I really do." Karen stayed the rest of the night with me as we rested.

Was this the breakthrough we needed? If so I'm glad it happened cause honestly I missed my babygirl, my angel, my Valencia.

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