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Excuse any mistakes


We all met at the house to help clean, I walked through horrified. Glass almost everywhere, our family pictures destroyed.

It's like he had a meltdown almost. "Hey Karebear."

"Hey Rinda." She stood beside me taking a breath trynna figure where to start.

"You was with Drew last night?"

"Yes ma'am, as for you with Greg?"


Mama came in with Twinkie and Jacky. "Goodmorning girls."

"Morning mama."

"Where's Niecy, Karen ?" She asked me as she was too now taking in the scenery.

"She's still shook bout last night."

"What happened?"

"Mama?" We all looked at her waiting for her to respond.

"Girls, let's just clean."

"No mama, what happened for Ethan and Denise to be so shook up." I went to her cause indeed she owed an explanation.

"I'm divorcing your father."

"Mama, you just now thought about it, after everything now you wanna divorce him." Dorinda blurted out. The emotions was going to spill out if Dorinda.

"So you serving divorce papers got him acting like this?"

"He came in looking for me while Ethan and Denise was on the couch watching tv. He charged at her but Ethan got in the way, he took almost every throw for Denise. I came out trynna see what was going on and he started with me throwing anything he could reach. Girls I'm sorry."

"Mama, it's deeper then just that cause something just not adding up."

"Yea Mattie something ain't adding up now is it?" And there he was in the flesh.


Karen grabbed me close to her. "I got you."

"Tell them, Tell them how let my drunk ass go in there with my daughter. Tell them how you knew that the church was voting me out my chair. Tell them how you would lie bout being at church services and I caught you on dates with different men, no never the same one. Tell them girls how you manage to let the church tell you how to raise your children. Tell them how you would secretly belittle Karen, doubted her. I get it Karen big but the girl got guts, something you've lacked tremendously.  Tell them how you talked down on her, on Niecy, even your beloved Dorinda. Tell them how you waited to tell me Jacky wasn't mines and why Leo went to stay with his uncle. Tell them!!"

We all turned to mama with hurt feelings but it was Karen who was hurting the most. You would think it would be me, but deep down I knew that mama somewhat knew what happened to me.


"Really ma? That's how you feeling? You'd belittle me but cry for me when I didn't show up. Talk about me but yet I'm the first one you call. Then you knew what was happening with Rinda!! You knew!" Karen went up to her as Jacky and I quickly grabbed her.

"Dorinda, I'd never intentionally hurt you babygirl. I didn't know no better."

"Oh save that shit really, you're just as bad as her. Cause I know you not telling me you couldn't tell the difference between your wife and child."

"I- I was drunk."

"Bullshit! And mother you allowed it!"

Twinkie honestly was too stunned to speak, just listening and taking everything in. Jacky and I still held Karen as her body continued to heat up.

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