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"Yes Jacky?" She came to me all happy go lucky.

"I know we talked last night but recap with me for a minute here."

"You was over reacting about me kissing Drew."

"Oh baby's y'all won't kissing, y'all was swapping spit."

"Oh hush up Dorinda like Ian seen Greg leave that bruise on your neck."


"Jacky, no this isn't about me this is about Karen."

"Both of y'all need take a seat and listen to me. Neither one of you should be doing what you all are doing. You know mama ain't raised us like this." She plopped down beside Karen lying her head on her shoulder

"Jacky what she don't know won't kill her." Dorinda shrugged her shoulders looking at me

"Yea Jack, it's because of how we're raised we sneak and do things. Haven't you heard the saying, strict parents sneaky kids." Karen chimed in looking at me with those child like eyes. Little do she know it isn't working with me today.

"Jacky it isn't like we're having sex. It's simply just a kiss or two, or three..."

"Maybe 4, sometimes 5."

"Carry it on up to 10."

"Y'all two stop it." Sometimes you couldn't talk to them two at least not together about something serious.

"Im just trying to say for y'all two to be careful."

"Jacky you're worried bout the wrong two sisters?" Their eyes shifted to niecy then back to me grabbing there lunch bag going out the door.

Could they be trying to tell me niecy doing far more worse then they are? I mean she has been overly sleepy, eating more— my god niecy's pregnant.


I walked in the halls with Greg waiting on Karen and Dorinda. Before arriving at school I stopped to get her a single rose placing it in her locker along with a small note.

"Boy you whipped and whipped good."

"Maybe I am and maybe I'm not."

" you like her drew?"

"I love her Greg. Karen's so special, so beautiful. It's as if all this is a dream—." I looked seeing Karen hitting the floor and Ethan rushing to her side.


"Here Karen, lemme help you up."

"Don't touch my woman, Ethan."

"She fell and you wasn't around."

"I'm ok." She grabbed my hand as she dusted herself off.

"You ok prettygirl." I held her face in my hands looking her over she smiled noticing what I was doing as for Ethan just stood watching our every movement.

"Yea baby, I'm fine."

"What is wrong with you Ethan, keep playing and ima show you something. Leave my woman alone, I'm not telling you again. Go with that girl you had at the house, matter a fact there she go."

She look our way coming towards us. "Hey drewww, hi Ethan."

"Hello." Ethan spoke but she wouldn't take her eyes off me even with me holding Karen's hand.

"Drew you not gone speak, I thought we had a time last night." Karen eyes darted in her direction. Dorinda stood by Greg watching closely.

"Don't start little girl."

"Don't start what? He knows we had fun last night, and you do too Ethan."

"Be for real he was with majority of yesterday. Girl listen, you playing with the right one. Go ahead you and Ethan can play these games together with someone else." Karen spoke up and for some reason I was intrigued by her new attitude.

"What y'all see in this fat pig anyways?"

"Oh hold on heffa! You not finna be calling my sister a fat pig with your raggedy self, looking tore up from the floor up. You been passed around more times then the offering plate at church. Sit to narrow self down and don't dare try to insult my sister again. Cause you not all that, mildew ass breath. Karen let's go."

"Once again your sister always step to your rescue. What's the matter Karen? Can't hold your own so that's why you're with Drew so he can defend you like Dorinda. Pure pathetic, such a bright individual with no back bone despite how big boned she is." I seen something in Karen light up, she pulled Dorinda out the way letting her hand and my hand go.

"I had just about enough of you, you dirty underwear ass hoe. You! Are jealous, you envy me because I have what you so desperately want. If I didn't know any better you wanna be me just to be with him. Understand you're not me, you'll never be me, and he'll never want you. That's my man so get comfortable it's gonna stay that way. And if you want the truth..." she whispered something in the girl ear cause the girl to get mad.

"And as for you Ethan I wouldn't date you at all, look at you. You're pathetic, who has a receding hairline in the 12th grade, it's not making sense. I valued you as a person, my man's brother but you're just another human being I can walk passed without speaking too."  Karen turned around to walk away but the girl pushed her. Dorinda was about to go but Karen caught her balance giving the girl a nice left hook that caused her to spit her tooth out.

"Damn." Dorinda and I both jumped.

Karen hit her again.

"Dorinda you gotta stop her."

"Let her have her way." I shook my head " Come on Greg." We grabbed her and I could see the rage and anger in her eyes.

"Hey calm down, breathe pumpkin."

"I wanna leave here."

"Are you sure?"

"Yea." I looked over at Dorinda as she nodded her head. We snuck out the door leading under the school. Only a few people knew how to get out of here properly and I was one of them.

"How could I let myself get so angered?"

"It's understandable, don't feel bad for how you felt honey."

"But—." I shut her up with a kiss, pushing her up against the wall.

In all honestly I was turned on by her anger, but also it was about time she stood up for herself. I'm proud of her honestly.

I moved down to her neck as her hand reach my thigh rubbing where my manhood laid. The more she rubbed the more it grew, she knew what she was doing to me.

I returned the favor rubbing her inner thigh still kissing on her neck, though being very careful not to leave a mark.

"Mhh Drew."

"Yea baby?"

" I want you."

"I want you too Babygirl you know this."

"No Drew I want your body.."

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