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Excuse any mistakes


"I don't know. I just think she's so beautiful, intelligent. Karen really doesn't speak to anyone, she's quiet, stays to herself not in no mess. Nobody really looks at her and that's what I like. Just when Drew got her I don't know it's like I want her more then Drew do. I slept with her sister at that time because I wanted to get off, things just went left."

"Man listen Karen is all of those things, that's what attracted me to her. Though there's one thing you didn't mention, her anointing. You looking at the outside and not looking on the outside. Exactly why you wouldn't be able to get her, next."

I shifted my eyes at him. "Well Drew why you wanted her."

"Because of her soul, she's a different breed. Her heart is pure, there's a light that shines around her; though lately her light has dimmed. There's a lot about Karen that isn't noticed by the eyes but noticed by the heart. I've seen what she's capable of and I know that she has a power deep inside, she's one of one and all mines."

Just as we was about to speak a knock came at the door.

"Go get the door Ethan."

"Mrs. Clark?"

"Yes I would like to speak to your mother?"


Willie Mae

"Come, sit down."

Lord knows what could she possibly want.

"Willie Mae, my daughters I just don't know. Am I a good mother? Like why are they so defiant."

"I don't think they're being defiant, I think when you neglect to be there it goes wrong."

"I haven't neglected them."

"So what do you call turning your back on your daughter who's pregnant and needs you."

"She disrespected the house rules, went against god Willie."

"And so did you."


"Nope you came over here to speak to me and you're gonna listen to me as well. You were wrong Mattie, that's no way to treat them girls. Do you not know how bad you hurt Karen, how many times Drew come to me because Karen done cried herself sick. That girl needed you and you hurt her, you hurt her more then Drew could. Mattie, then you have Dorinda so up your behind that it's almost ridiculous. I bet if Dorinda popped up pregnant you wouldn't have no problem with it. You hold Dorinda to a different standard even with her and Karen doing the same thing, Jacky as well. Yet you wonder why..."

"Willie are you calling me a bad parent."

"Mattie if the shoe fits wear it. You choose other stuff before your kids, that's what I'm saying. So when they grow distant from you and start disappearing you'll know why."
She huffed getting up and leaving.

"Mama? Everything alright?"

"Yea Drew. Just some folks can't handle the truth no matter how holy and sanctified they claim to be..."


"Oh my goodness can y'all please get right. Karen stop singing in the trees, Denise sing, and Jacky with dorinda out you have to take the middle. Now let's try this again."

Twinkie was running us dry, mama had us singing for a convocation but it don't sound right without dorinda.

"Hold on Twinkie I'm not completely deaf, let me jump in. Hand me the paper, Karen run up under me ok?"

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