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Excuse any mistakes 💕


I laid in bed crying my eyes out, how could he do that to me. I feel so stupid, I should've listened to my gut when it came to him. The same one to tell me to be careful was the same wine I should've been careful with.

"I'm such a idiot." I said to myself as knocks came to my door.

"Karen." And there was Dorinda who wasn't gonna let me rest and be heart broken in peace

"Go away!"


"I said go away!"

"Karen Valencia if you don't open up this door." I hopped up hearing it was my mother.

I wiped my eyes opening the door. "Yes ma'am?"

"Babygirl what's wrong?" She walked in leaving Dorinda outside.

"Mama we was walking in the hallway and some girl came up to him. Mama he said he didn't know her but she knew him. Why would he lie to me?"

"Dorinda!" She came in looking at me, she reached out her hand and I grabbed it.

"Can you talk to him please, I believe him Karen."

"But Dorinda."

"Listen to your sister Karen and talk to him before you make any final decisions."

"But mama."

"Karen! John's here."

And just like that they done figured out my plans for me, now I have no other choice but to talk to him.

"Send him up Twinkie." We're gonna leave you two alone but don't hesitate to call us.

"Yes ma'am." They walked out as he walked in closing the door.



"May I?"

"Sure." He sat down beside looking me deep in the eyes.

"You're too pretty to cry, you know that?" He wiped my tears away gently

"It's your fault I'm crying." I got up walking to the other side of my room. "Why are you even here?"

"To talk to you."

"Haven't you said enough?" I have him a attitude because deep down I was hurt.

"Karen I do not know that girl honestly."


"Karen please, you've know me for so long would you think I'd lie to you. I'm not gone do that Karen, you got to believe me Babygirl."

"But she—."

"She nothing, she means nothing and I don't know her. I only know you, I only want you Karen." He stood in front of me holding me close.

"Karen listen to me I'll do whatever it takes to prove to you that I'm telling the truth. She just some random girl.

"A random girl that come call you by your nickname and kiss you on the cheek, yea right John. Get out."


"John I said go."

"And I said no. Now what you wanna do about it."

"John Drew Sheard why must you be so hardheaded."

"And Karen Valencia Clark why don't you accept that fact you can't run from me."

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