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Excuse any mistakes


All you got to do is say yes
Don't deny what you feel, let me undress you, babe
Open up your mind and just rest
I'm about to let you know, you make me so
All you got to do is say yes
Don't deny what you feel, let me undress you, babe
Open up your mind and just rest

I ran my hands over her shoulders as I kissed her neck. Her head tilted to the side as our eyes met in the mirror.

"I love you baby."

" I love you too, so much and again I'm sorry—."

"Shh. Don't apologize anymore." I removed her shirt before laying her down. I gathered some oil in my hands before placing them on her back and massaging it into her skin.

"Mhh." This girl bet not start this, I'm just trynna give her a simple massage to take her mind off things, show her some love.

"Alright, you bet not start." I warned her.

"I'm not starting, it just feels good daddy."

She's sick in the head. "Behave Valencia."

"I am honey." My mom went to speak to Karen's mother again as for Denise was at the doctors with Ethan so that gives us more than enough time for me to cheer my baby up.

I felt a knot almost like tension on her lower back. She's been stressing and in so much mental pain that it's destroying her body.

"Wait Drew honey, that hurt."

"Right here?"


"There's a knot right there baby, tension." I rubbed over it lightly not pressing into it. I turned her over, to focus on the front of her shoulders.

My eyes fell into hers as she watched my every movement. Her eyes were very hypnotizing ones to get lost in, but also ones to search your soul.

She ran her fingers through my hair pulling me down on top of her. "You're so handsome baby."

"Thank you."

"It's the truth da da."

"Your face alone Karen is so beautiful, I get lost in your eyes each time I look into them. I see my future within them, my whole life as it revolves around you and everything that god has in store for us." I told her truthfully as her touch was causing chill bumps all over.

Just as we were about to kiss the phone rung. I got her going to answer it. "Hello, Sheard residents."

"Hey Drew, can you tell Karen that she's needed at the church for practice. Mama left to meet your mom and dropped us off here."

"Sure thing."

"Thank you."

I hung up going upstairs to Karen seeing her trying to doze off. "Baby, Dorinda said could you come down to the church for practice?" Karen reluctantly slid out the bed almost to floor in the most dramatic way ever.


"Uhh fine I'll go."

"I'll go with you if it makes things better."

"You'd do that for me?"

"I'd do anything for you mama." Karen bit her lip looking at me in a way I knew very well.

"You better come on before I take you."

"Take me where?"

"Drew don't play, you know where."

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