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Excuse any mistakes 💕


Jacky was gone continue to talk to us til she turned blue, though I will say it was better then talking to mama because my hide would be tore up righ about now.

"We'll get back to the fight later, in all honestly I'm not even mad at you about that Karen. You and Dorinda have me hit bout sneaking off to do gods knows what. Seriously Karen if I wouldn't have shown up what would've happened please enlighten me on that."

"Well to be truthful Jacky, my body has been feeling strange every time I get around him. Like when he kisses me something be going on with sister girl downstairs."

"Ouu girl I know what you mean Greg and I— you know what never mind continue." She clapped her hands together sitting back and letting me continue.

"Jacky when we went missing I'm gonna be honest I wasn't gone hold back. I admitted to him that I wanted his body, so after our make out session under the school we left going to his house. We started back up, his lips fell into mines while his arms caressed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me upstairs laying me down, I took his shirt off and he unbuttoned my shirt with his teet—."

"Woah Woah, Karen!" Whew lord my body just got hit, I'm bout to go back.

"Wai a minute he unbuttoned it with his teeth, girl spill."


"No don't tell, Ian wanna hear it."

"Dorinda just know I was gone let him have."

"Karen so you're saying, you would've had sex and don't even know the first thing about it or him."

"Jacky I do know him, I just—I wasn't gonna say no to what I was feeling. I love him Jacky."

"So you wanna satisfy your flesh and claim you're in love and don't even know the first thing about either two. You're a baby Karen—."

"I'm a baby, ima baby, when y'all gone let me grow up. A baby don't make out with a boy, a baby don't come home looking like a Dalmatian. I'm in love with him Jacky, I love him. Why you're so uptight with me when you have Denise sitting up dey pregnant and nobody said nothing to her. I kiss Drew and you're about to flip the table over."

"She got a point."

"Hush up Dorinda." Jacky snapped at her because she knew I was right

"I'm not a baby, I have a period, I got boobies see. Say hi to Tina and Tia, if you haven't noticed them."

"Don't be a smart ass Karen."

"Just saying Jacky, geez. Give this speech to niecy not me, oh it's too late."

"I'm trynna stop you from becoming like her!"

"Like who?" And here she was with Twinkie

"Hey niecy."

"Hey y'all."

"Hey Twank."

"Uh uh Karen I heard bout you."

Ahh great just what I needed another lecture, I thought to myself. I looked at her smiled and niecy. I really felt as if Jacky was over doing the whole thing I was about to sleep with him but I didn't sleep with him.

"Yea Jacky getting on me now."

"I'm glad you stuck up for yourself but just don't dip the next time my pumpkin." She kissed my cheek placing her stuff down and joining us at the table.

"So who were you guys talking about."

Niecy sat down eating pickles and peanut butter. Just PURE disgusting, there's absolutely no way I'd ever eat that combination.

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