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Excuse any mistakes


"This could possibly be my baby for real?"


"What— I mean how? I oh man."

"Look we both come from a family that hold tight positions in the church."

"That's what I'm kinda worried about."

"What's wrong guys?" Dorinda came sitting beside Niecy.

"Hey Ethan."

"Hi Doe."

Dorinda always been pretty but still she wasn't Karen. I don't know why I had my eye for Karen I never did to begin with but  now that my brother got her she's all I could think about.

This feels so wrong to have eyes for my brothers woman, but I couldn't help it. The girl was gorgeous, soft spoken, kind.

Dorinda had to many guys on her, wanting her, that just won't it for me. While Karen stayed to herself, everyone always seen Karen as a push over. Truth is she's far from it, she comes with a lot of bite just not so much bark. That's a good thing though cause a lot bark don't guarantee the same bite.

Though none of that matters, I got something serious to worry about.

"Denise, what are your thoughts on this baby. How are we gonna raise it? How would our parents react?"

"Well you know what my mother initial reaction was and she's still not pleased but because of Karen they're trying to be there for me. I gotta say I was shocked how Karen took action and stood up for me."

"At least they put the problems aside to try and come together for you."

"I guess."

"Dorinda if you could." Dorinda left and it was just Denise and I. I sat beside her holding her hands.

"We might don't know each other much but we need to. Ima asshole, but for you and this baby I'll change. We need each other and I have to be a man and take care of my responsibility."

"I appreciate that Ethan."

"No problem Denise." I kissed her cheek then placed my hand on her stomach.

"I'm gonna be a daddy."

"That you are."

"I'll start looking for a job tomorrow. Everything will be ok, I promise."

"Ok Ethan. But we must continue school there's no way around it."

"I absolutely agree. So uh when's the appointment?"

"Next month, I'll call and let you know when."

"Ok, you need anything? Craving anything?"

"Uh pig feet and ice cream."

"Ewww, I guess I can go get it for you."

"Thank you."

"No problem." I got up leaving the room walking past Dorinda's room hearing her throw up.

"Aye Rinda? You ok?"

"Huh? Oh yea I'm fine, I think I got a bug or something."

"Oh ok just checking."

"Thanks." Her head dropped down in the bucket again. Coming fully down the stairs there stood Karen in the kitchen.

Just knowing she's near makes me a nervous damn wreck. "Oh hi Ethan, I didn't expect you to still be here."

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