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Excuse any mistakes filler


"I told you, I told you." I went to Karen's room after John left, the other sisters were gossiping in the family room. We all knew we could talk how we wanted when mama got gone  and that's exactly what we did.

"Alright, you did."

"Uh huh, buuutttt what you didn't tell me Valencia was that you had your eye for him too?"

"It's not technically an eye, it's just I've observed and some of his qualities I like. I'm not setting on it because he told me himself don't go for the first thing—."

"Wait what?"

"Yea we talked and he told me not to jump for the first guy that says they like me."

"Well he's not the first he's the second—."

"But does it matter?"

"Uh YES!"

"How come?"

"Cause Lawd hamercy John wanted you for a hot minute nie, he's good looking, intelligent, and he ain't one of the ones that just want ya pants like Brian."

"But John—."

"Darn it Karen he's in love with you, I know that and if you look him in the eyes you'll see it. Don't you sell yourself short skipping around when he's been right there all along. He knows you, just like I do. Karen don't be stupid."

"Ok ok ok Dorinda."

"And don't say nothing about me mention how he truly feels. Just watch and you'll see."


"Love you Karebear."

"Love you more doe."


"John is that you?"

"Yes mama." I came in kissing her cheek still on a high with Karen.

"Come here son, where have you been?"

"Over at the Clark's."

"You've been going over there more and more. What's going on, you with one of Mattie's girls?"

"No ma'am I'm just friends with Dorinda and Twinkie."


"But I do have a crush on the baby's sister Karen."

"That's the one you normally walk to class with?"

"Yes ma'am, she's so beautiful, smart, funny. Her personality is great, she's not like every female she's different in the best way possible. She's amazing, god fearing, and did I mention she's stunning."

"John, she got you whipped."

"No she don't."

"Yes she do, look how you just went on a rant about her."


"Mama nothing boy, she got you John."

"We'll see."

"We will."

I went upstairs laying in bed with my feet swinging. I just felt so much better after telling her how I feel


I went back to school with a new found confidence. John held my hand while we walked to class. It wasn't that we was together or anything it was just we finally confronted what we were feeling.

"So how you feel about this project?"

"I feel ok, a little nervous though but I'm ok. How do you feel about it?"

"I'm nervous, I don't wanna fail it knowing that I'm not good with my words either."

"Your words have power John, so just write from the heart."

"If I write from my heart I'm writing about you.."

"Speak up John I didn't hear you." Truth is I heard him loud and clear, Dorinda was right.

"I said if I write from my heart I Umm wouldn't know what to do, what to write."

"Do you want my help?"


"Of course be by my—."

"Actually, you could come to mine."

"I'll ask Jacky is it ok."

"If not then I'll go to you."

"Ok."  We stood by the lockers and he looked me in my eyes just staring. I looked down and blushed I really didn't know what to do.

"Is there something on my face?"

"No I just think you're really beautiful that's all."

"Oh Karebear!"

And here goes Dorinda sliding down the hall with Greg.

"Hey doe."

"Hey Karebear, John." She cheesed hitting his shoulder.

"Doe chill out, Greg get hold to her."

"John you know what's happening."


"Mhm." We stood round talking and laughing until Brian walked up

"Hey Karen, you're glowing."

"Thanks Brian."

"You're welcome pretty. Care if I join you for lunch?"

"I care and no you can not she's has a designated lunch partner and it just ain't you." And there goes John

Dorinda and Greg stood over snickering.

"Woah John not you trynna steal my woman."

"She was never your woman she just spoke to ya."

"Ouu he told you."

"Dorinda shhh."

"Oh I'm sorry."


"As I was saying Karen's not your woman."

"She will be John, you just watch."

"That I will." They eyed each other as I got pulled closer to John.

"You don't know it yet Karen but I know exactly who you're gonna end up with."

"And that is?"


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