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Excuse any mistakes


"Stay right here, I'll be back." He turned some quick corner and I can hear him rummaging through things

"Drew what are you even doing?"

"Minding my business."

"Don't be a smart ass."

"I am a smart ass though."

"Whatever."  He came back with a box in his hand.

"This is for you"

"Drew you didn't have to get me anything for me to sleep with you I was gone do that regardless."

"What was that last part?"

"Uh i was talking to myself."

"Mhm, give me a kiss mama." I kissed as he stood me up just to pick me up in his arms.

"Fine ass." He growled in my ear then bit it.

He smelled so darn good I locked my legs around him so quick.

"Karen are you sure you wanna take this step, I don't wanna sense as if I'm rushing you."

"Drew you're not."

"Understand we both come from religious backgrounds so I mean this is a risk for the both of us."

"I'm a risk taker, are you?"

"With you I will be."



"Give to me." Our lips locked again as he held my body up against the wall. My back arched at the cold feeling cause me to push into him more feeling his erection. The feeling of him growing against me only excited me more, I wanted this man in every dang on way I could possibly have him.

"I want you to know that I thank you and appreciate you for trusting me. I promise to be gentle and take care you, I promise to love and cherish you forever. We might be boyfriend and girlfriend now but we'll be husband and wife later."

"Drew your so sweet."

"I bet your sweeter, matter a fact can I have a taste of that." He laid me down pulling my skirt off slowly as if he was admiring every pigment of skin that was revealed. He rubbed my thighs looking up into my eyes.

The stage and scene has been set, let the show start.


I walked in dropping my bags, drew had the audacity to step up to me that boy is crazy.

"Drew!" I walked upstairs hearing music and the closer I got to his room I heard moaning.

"Uh huh, you like that don't you."

"Mhhh yess baby"

"Fuck, louder baby. Let me hear you, you like daddy in you?"

"Drew please."

" hold it."

This boy having sex with another female, wait til Karen here's about this.

"Daddy please, god you feel so good baby."

"You do to baby, I'm bout there. You coming with me?"

"I'm already with you baby."

"Shit Karen, I love you."

"Ahhh baby I love you too."

He's in there with Karen, man this crazy. I knocked on the door I could here him bout to freak out and Karen hyper ventilating.

"Drew! Come out here my boy." He peeked his head out the door.

" what is it Ethan? I'm studying with Karen for our uh test this week."

" y'all studying what subject?"

" science, she's helping me out.?"

"Oh really."

"Yea bro, what you want man for real?"

"You and me need to have a talk."

"We can talk later bro."

"You in there smashing ain't it?"

"It's none of your business what I'm doing."

"Oh but it's mama's business."

"You tell, I'll tell. Don't act like I don't know what all you've been doing."

"Damn Drew, you know for real?"

"I also know you got a baby on the way."

"Shit say what!"

"Oh I'm sorry you didn't know?"

"No— by who?" So look listen I slept with Denise and since then I haven't seen nor heard from her, but to be real I've slept with a couple of people so it could be any of the girls that I've been with.

"Why Karen over here this late anyways?"

"Ian telling you nigga. Now you keep my secret and I'll hold yours."

"But Drew man how you know I might have a baby, and with whom?"



"Damn Karen." She rode me slow yet passionate as she leaned down to make out with me my hands gripped her ass.

"Mhh, I love you."

"I love you too baby." I matched her movements sending the most powerful thrust into her. She bit my shoulder to keep from screaming, her juices flowed out with each stroke.

We started off so gentle then out of nowhere we started going crazy. It's as if the both of us are chasing a sexual high we need to catch it and we won't stop until we reach it.

"Oh my god baby, I'm gonna— daddy." I held her body as she started to shake, I continued my strokes bussin into the condom. It was so much I had to hurry and get out of her before it seeped through.

"Damn girl we gotta stop." It's going on 10 at night and she got here at 4, so that means for six hours we've been at each other.

"Not just yet." She pulled my condom off and got down to business.

"Oh." My eyes widened as I felt her jaws lock in place.  Her hands gripped the base stroking me as she sucked my man hood passionately.

"Karen shit." I grabbed her hair as she went even harder.

"Give in to me daddy." When I say she sucked the cum clean from out of me, that's exactly what she did.

"My lord." I had to back up from her.

"You're in trouble girl."

"I think I'm growing ti like trouble."


"What E!"

"Get Karen home now, her mom is on the way back."


"Come on, let's get you washed up."

"Look I'll do that when I get home we don't need to take chances because of my mom on the way home that means yours too."

"You're right, but can I ask you a question?"

"Sure pumpkin." She went to the bathroom getting dressed I stood by the door talking to her.

"Who Niecy pregnant by?"

"She said some deacon James, why you know em?"

"No but that might not be the baby daddy."

"Well she said it, though is it's not him then who?"


Happy New Years folks 🤪💕

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