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Excuse any mistakes💕


I walked and all eyes were on me, I take it as mama wasn't home yet but they were waiting patiently.

"Karen Karen Karen. Girllllll you walking mighty limped." Dorinda came up to me grinning, I just side eyed her going upstairs I heard niecy crying so I went to her to see if she was ok.


"Yea Kare?"

"What's wrong?" Honestly I never felt close to Denise, but regardless of anything she's my sister.

"Karen the girls trying to disown me, we're a family and they wanna toss me away all because a mistake."

"Well Niecy, this isn't some mistake that you can erase."

"Yes I can."

"No Niecy, we're not going to do that."

"But Karen."

"Denise no, look it's time to own up to it. You're pregnant and that's ok. We're not perfect and nobody expects us to be. I get it how were raise is indeed pressure on us, I understand especially with what I did tonight."

"What did you do Karen?" I debated on telling her and I might as well both our situations was looking pretty iffy right about now.

"I lost my virginity to Drew tonight."

"Were you protected?"

"Yea, though ima still go out in the morning and get a plan B."

"No need I got some here, take em cause I won't be needing them no more."

She hand me the rest of the boxes out of drawer I opened one up and took it.

"Karen, I'm scared."

"I know and if means anything despite the girls I'll be here for you."

"I appreciate that but I know you and Dorinda are tight I'm pretty sure once she starts acting different you'll soon follow." She was right I didn't want to do anything that Dorinda didn't do but u also had to realize I am my own person and they can't dictate my relationship with my own sister rather they're against her or not.

"I'll try my hardest not to. Though I have a question for you?"

"What is it?"

"Who all did you sleep with and who do really think the baby is by?"

"I slept with 2 other people but there's only one other guy that could truly be the father outside of the deacon."

"Which is?"

"Ethan Sheard."


What is taking Karen so long up there, I got up going to see and met her coming out her the shower.

"Hey doe."

"That was a long shower Kare."

"I was talking to Denise."

"Oh." We walked in her room closing the door


"So what you did at Drew house?"

"What you think I did Doe, it's the same thing that you and Greg did or do."

"He told you?"

"He told Drew and if one plus one is two then I know exactly what y'all do. That's why you shouldn't be so hard on Denise when you're doing the same thing."

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